Chapter 9: Planning a Royal Ball

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Piper POV

Lyra starts announcing the minute we enter the Women's room.

"Ladies! Queen Hera has reconsidered the circumstances and as it is tradition for the Selected to plan a ball and there might not be a chance for another, you'll be planning the ball for King Zeus's birthday. We are inviting and it's the first time anyone will see the Prince of Greece and Rome and it must be extraordinary. The top ranking will be the leader while the rest of the groups will be given a specific topic to work on."

I love party-planning. This is gonna be so fun.

"Group 1: Decor - Lisa, Calypso, Reyna, Hazel, Claire, Valentina
Group 2: Food - Drew, Dahlia, Elena, Emma, Lily, Abigail
Group 3: Entertainment - Jessica, Ava, Olivia, Delilah, Cecilia, Scarlett
Group 4: Dresses for the Selected - Amelia, Freya, Sarah, Isabella, Luna, Layla.
Yep, that's it. Ohh wait, and the leader and top ranking is Piper McLean so go to her for any issues."

No freaking way.

Everyone stares at me but I'm too excited.

"Ohh and ladies. If any one of you try to sabotage anything, there are camera's everywhere so I suggest you don't." Lyra says and leaves.

Now everyone turns to me so I clear my throat but then Queen Hera and Prince Jason enter.

Everyone bows down so I do too.

"Ladies, Jason will be joining us in the Women's Room to watch your planning. Against his wishes, unfortunately. You should have seen how he was grumbling." Queen Hera says and everyone giggles while Jason mutters under his breath.

"Who's the leader?" Queen Hera asks. 

Everyone looks at me and I step up. "Me, Your Majesty. I am Piper McLean."

Hera looks delighted. Jason smiles at his step-mother's delight. 

"Wonderful. Please continue." Hera and Jason sit down on a sofa and just look at us so I jump into work.

"Okay so most of the other kingdoms are coming so the cuisine needs to be diverse so everyone can enjoy their own tastes and different ones. We'll try one or two famous delicacies from each country visiting. I'll ask Lyra for a list and let you know." I say and the Food Group nod, Freya giving me a thumbs-up for encouragement.

"For decor and dresses, we need a theme and we can match it up. Any ideas?"

It was dead-silent. I sigh. Ohh well! More ideas from me then!

"Um, well I was thinking since it was a birthday party maybe a masquerade? It's classy-"

"YES!" Hera jumps in. "Darling, that's a great idea!" She says and winks while Jason turns red.

"What do you have planned for decor and entertainment?" Jason asks though its directed to all of us but no one responds.

"We can put up the flag colors since King Zeus always strived for our country, obviously but also his favorite color. We can match it up and change the shades here and there to fit." I say

"Brown." Hera replied.

"Our countries flag is red and white so brown would fit perfectly. Lisa, Calypso, Reyna, Hazel, Claire and Valentina can you get a plan out for your ideas on how the ballroom should look like? I'll call someone to send you for a look around there in a minute." I say.

"As for entertainment, I was thinking maybe ballroom dancing with instrumental music and classical while eating. In the corners of the room games and-"

"Games?" Drew interrupts. "That isn't appropriate." She was seething as I was giving ideas and now she's smug. Geez, thanks Drew. Sister.

"I think its great, actually. A lot of my cousins get bored at balls so if they are occupied it's fun for everyone. Its brilliant." Jason says

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