Chapter 3: Piper gets ready for 'it'

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Piper POV

So I didn't go to the castle in two days or so. In the first three days, officials and people like that came over to prep me for the selection. I mentally groaned. 

On the forth day, they took all my belongings which needed to be taken and the rest were packed suitcases for me to take. There were 4 suitcases for me.

On the fifth day, they came to take us to the palace, but Hazel and I insisted on going on the same limo cause, I personally would not be able to bear the silence for three hours.

It was 10 minutes before they would arrive and pick us up. Hazel came over to my house since she lived alone anyways.

 We got ready and 10 minutes seemed like a minute only. We did each others hair and there was a knock. My dad opened the door since he wanted to send me off.

We went out only to be met by paparazzi and thousands

There were signs supporting me and Hazel all over. So many hopeful faces. And I had to disappoint them. At least Hazel would make a great queen. I will do everything I can to get Hazel to be the next queen. She'd be great. Only if she wants though, cause she might change her mind after meeting the Crown Prince. Honestly, how do people like him? He is probably just as bratty as everyone else in 1, 2 and 3's.

The limo was parked out front while there were guards to make sure that the crowd doesn't go too crazy. I signed as many autographs as I could and took my time.

The plan was to go in the limo to the airport. Then after the flight lands, go out, meet fans and go in another limo to the castle where there are presumably, more fans. I sighed.

"Bye dad, I'll see you soon. I'll come back quickly, I know it so don't worry and be careful, ok? Contact me for anything and everything. Call regularly and send letters too." I say and he chuckles.

"I got this Piper, don't worry. I am not that old and I know how to take care of myself. And yes, I will call you. I will also regularly write to you." My dad said, smiling.

I hugged him tight and so did he. Hazel just smiled, since she was standing next to me.

"Let's go?" I asked her.

"Let's go." She said, happily.

We got in the limo and talked for an hour straight. Mostly, Hazel fawning over finding love. I hope she does. 

The next hour we blasted music and Hazel sung while I played my guitar. My guitar and piano are one of my most important possessions. They already took my piano to the palace but I insisted on getting the guitar myself since it has my stickers and a wonderful design and most importantly, because dad gave it to me with his first paycheck. He could have done something else, spoil himself but he decided to get it for me and I am ever so grateful. I adore it.

I played 'Another Love' and Hazel sang along. I joined in too, cause why not? It wasn't like anyone was gonna listen to me apart from Hazel. The driver reassured me that the limo was sound-proof.

I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
But it's so cold and I don't know where
I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel all right
I'm just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love
But all my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight
But my hands been broken once, too many times
So I'll use my voice, I'll be so damn rude
Words, they always win, but I know I'll lose
And I'd sing a song that'd be just ours
But I sang 'em all to another heart
And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love
But all my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up, up

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