Chapter 2: Where Piper hates everything

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Piper POV

I came back from school to see dad watch the news. I entered and set my bag neat the couch and sat next to him cause it is not everyday that he casually waits for me to get home on the TV. He mostly has movie or photo shoots. Or has some 'noble duties'. 

Another thing. The system. Nobility, working class, merchants and all is so unfair. Like, why have the system? Doesn't everyone deserve to have a chance to get opportunities. Just cause me and Annabeth were born into nobility, we are treated like princesses but have whispers behind our back. And our friend, Hazel, doesn't get the recognition she deserves for being in lower class.

Suddenly Annabeth and Hazel barge in and my father looks back at them. Now that I think of it, he has not spoken or even greeted me till now. That's weird. As soon as dad saw them, he smiled.

"Don't worry. Not yet." He calmed them leaving me confused.

Then the advertisement got over and news started............

"Prince Jason of Illéa has chosen his selected. Drew Tanaka, Jessica Raven, Lisa Mallan, Amelia Singe, Elena Dilot, Calypso Atlas, Dahlia Sterling, Ava Luna, Nora Haku, Hazel Levesque, Piper Mclean......................."

I did not bother to hear the rest of the names after my best friends and mine.

"But I-I didn't sign up." I protest and stand up abruptly. 

"Yes, you didn't. I believe.............I did." Annabeth says while Hazel squeals that she got selected and my dad just chuckled at the chaos.

"Why?" I ask.

"Cause you deserve a prince, after that jerk Dylan. He cheated but that doesn't mean all guys will." She explained

"And Hazel?" I asked

"Enrolled herself" Annabeth confirmed

"Why did you not enroll?" I ask.

"Please, Percy is a thousand times better than a prince. He treats me like a princess already. And I would choose him over the prince anyday."

I snickered cause I knew she would answer the question somewhat like that so when I right before I asked the question, I voice recorded it on my phone. Hah! Whose the smart one now?

"Ohh and Piper. Delete the recording" Annabeth said and I stare at her dumbfounded.

"How-Whe-Wh-Huh?" I manage to get out.

"Cause I am amazing, now delete." She insists 

"Jeez, ok fine." I say and quickly send it to Percy before deleting it and show her the deleted part.

"You sent it to Percy, didn't you?" she sighed. 

"Piper! We get to go together to a castle!!" Hazel squeals again, still not out of that daze.

I groan, not wanting to participate. Then an idea strikes me. What if i get eliminated purposefully?

My dad was abnormally quiet.

"Dad?" I ask.

"Huh? Sorry, what honey?"

"Are you okay?" I ask and Annabeth looks over in worry too. Hazel stops to check as well.

"Yea yea. Are you staying for dinner Annabeth and Hazel?" Dad asks

"No, we have to leave to pack since Hazel seems to be in a dream. But thank you. Bye Pipes!" Annabeth says. 

Hazel and Annabeth leave and I sit next to dad.

"What happened?" I ask again.

He looks over to me, shakily, trying not cry and says, "Your mother wants to meet us. And she says she is reconsidering my relationship with her."

I stare in disbelief. She had the audacity to leave him then come back saying she wants something more?

"D-Do you want to be with her, dad?" I ask

"I-I don't know." He says, quietly.

"Well, we will figure it out, like always." I say, squeezing his hand.

"Thanks Pipes. And now my princess might actually become queen! Are you excited?"

"No, please. I never met this guy and I am fighting for his 'love'? That's so dramatic."

Dad chuckled. "You never did like attention. Come on, we have to meet Leo and Esperanza, remember?" he reminded me.

Ohh yea! I ran to get dressed.

In five minutes, I was ready so we went over to a café, and they were waiting for us. But we were five minutes early!! 

"Hey, beauty queen! How's life going?"

"Horrible. I got selected." I said as I was sitting down while my dad and Leo's mom got into a involved talk concerning something which I do not care about

"No way! The you would have a date with my best friend!" He exclaimed

"You are best friends with the crown prince? Wow." I said and he grinned

"But what about Dylan? Why would you enter?" he asked. Ohh right, we met when I was with Dylan, last time.

"I did not enter. Annabeth did for me. And as for Dylan, he......."

"He?" Leo prompted.

"Cheated on me" I finished and Leo looked red with anger and shock.

"That stupid little piece of-" Leo started but I cut him off.

"He isn't worth it. Now, any girlfriends I ought to know about?" I ask and he smiles again

"Nada, this bad boy has been cruising in the ocean of single life." he says and I laugh at how he framed his analogy. 

We talked for a while, caught up and went back home while Leo went to the inn they were staying at.

I would be leaving day after tomorrow and don't know for how long. What about dad?

"I'll keep myself busy while you are gone. I have the new movie starting on the day after you leave anyways. Don't worry" he said and I stared in awe.

"What? You are my daughter." he added.

I cursed under my breath. Why did I have to be selected? Among all of Illéa? Stupid life. I hate everything at this point

I sighed. Better get this over with.

I have nothing to say so I'll just go with please comment or vote. Ohh and that I love all of you!

I hope you liked the fanfic so far and they will meet soon, don't worry.

I cannot type all my ships for I do not have the energy right now so gonna end it with this.

Love ya'll ❤❤

k, byeeeeeee ✌✌✌


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