Chapter 10: Attending a Royal Ball

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Piper POV

Everything is gonna be fine. Everything is gonna go great.

Lily slips me into a lavender dress and Kiara does my hair in a half-ponytail with a flower clutch to keep my hair up and uses vanilla hair-spray which I did not know existed. Seriously.

Tiana gives me a locket, silver, heart shaped with gold spiral designs on it and I rubbed my hand on the locket, feeling the ridges below my hand. They give me two rings, one a pastel purple gem in the middle and another rose-gold heart ring and a pearl bracelet to finish it off. I wore lavender heels with it. They got me lavender heels to match my dress. Dam. I wear my lavender mask.

"This is beautiful. Thank you!" I smile and get grins in return.

"Ok, now off you go! You are the main one and show it off now!" Kiara says, shooing me and I laugh as I go to the ballroom.

Upon entering, all the selected and some of their plus ones are already there along with the guests invited, drinking water and the elder ones, wine. The food will be out any minute and so will the royal families.

"Piper!" I hear Annabeth and I turn to see her with Hazel.

Hazel squeals and we group hug. "Ohh my gods, it's been so long!!" Hazel says and Annabeth rolls her eyes. 

"So! Any lovey-dovey yet?" Annabeth asks and Hazel scrunches her nose. I swear, sometimes she acts like she's born in the wrong century.

"Nope." I say and Hazel nods.

"Awwww, I wanted to be an auntie for the royal family." Annabeth sighs.

"What has gotten into you?" I laugh.

"Nothing." Annabeth replied, curtly. She was in a gray dress, matching her eyes with a owl locket and Hazel was in a black one with a black bracelet, and 3 rings. Both have masks matching their dress colors.

"How are you and Percy?" Hazel asks.

"Great! I-It's wonderful, sometimes too good to be true." Annabeth replies.

"Hey, I just realized, Percy has the same name as the Crown Prince of Greece." I say

"Yep. But the Crown Prince is 'Perseus' and mine is 'Percy'." Annabeth replies.

"Yours, huh?" I tease and Hazel laughs.

"Shut up."

Trumpets blow and the Royal Families are being announced.

"King of Rome, Ares, Queen of Rome, Emily, Princess Clarisse.........and Crown Prince, Frank."

"King of Netheria, Hades, Queen of Netheria, Maria, Crown Prince, Nico and Princess Bianca."

"King of Adashin, Hermes, Queen of Adashin, May, Crown Prince of Adahin, Travis, Prince Connor and Prince Luke."

"King of Affixin, Hephustus and Queen of Affixin, Aphrodite"

My face pales. Aphrodite. Mom.

"King of Greece, Poseidon, Queen of Greece, Sally, Prince Tyson, Princess Estelle and.......................Crown Prince Perseus."

Ohh my god. There's no way. Me and Hazel turn to Annabeth who's stepping back like she's physically hit.

Hazel holds on to her, rubbing her back while Annabeth keeps her face blank. I'm having a word with Percy.

"King of Ilea, Zeus, Queen of Ilea, Hera, Crown Prince, Jason and.............Princess Thalia."

There was an uproar cause the Crown Prince of Greece and Rome have been revealed and Princess of Ilea too. Though we Selected already knew.

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