Bonus Chapter 2: Dancing & Birthdays

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Jason POV - 2 years after Epilogue (Ryan & Roman aren't born yet.)

I have the ballroom ready. By that I mean, I cleared up the whole space and made it practically empty so that the music can create an echo effect.

Everything is set.

I am excited and nervous cause this was supposed to be a relax-day but it doesn't really seem like it, does it?

Its 9 PM and I'm waiting for Piper to come back to our bedroom.

She comes soon after and brings a stack of paper with her.

"Jase! You are early!" Piper says.

"Early? It's 9." I say and she looks confused.

"No it's not. Its 7:30." She tells me.

"Ummm, where'd you get that from?" I ask.

"The time? My phone." She says, putting the stack of paper on the desk we have in our room and takes out her phone before shoving it to me, "See."

"Pipes, that's wrong." I say, showing my watch, phone and the clock we have in our room.

She looks so confused for a moment. Which quickly morphs to irritation, "Valdez." She turns to leave and probably hunt down Leo but I stop her. She can kill him later.

"Wait, I have a surprise." I say, and her interest is piqued.

"Um, okay." She relents, curiosity taking over. Who ever said, 'Curiosity killed the cat' is dumb cause it just saved my date.

I dragged her to the ballroom and blindfolded her. Its a tradition, we blindfold each other before our dates. Though I told her this was a surprise, not a date, she wore it without a word.

We entered the ballroom as I carefully lifted her off the ground and walked over to the center of the ballroom. Placing her there, I turn on our song.

"Ohh my gods." Pipes says. We never danced to our song, ever.

I un-blindfold her and hold out my hand. She laughs and takes it.

We keep dancing for a while, half-an-hour to be exact and yes, I was watching the time cause everything had to be perfect.

Three. Two. One.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PIPES!" Haze, Frank, Leo, Percy, Annabeth, and Cali shouted.


"Late. Cause Leo, sorry, someone punctured their tires. They found some device with spiked the tires." Percy said

"You snitch!" Leo scoffed, "Its not a 'device'. Call it a machine."

"LEO." I growled.

Piper hugged me, "Thank you. This is perfect."

I kissed her forehead and grumbled, "Leo ruined it."

Leo grinned and winked at that and Piper laughed. She laughed her beautiful laugh and that was more than enough for me.

Then a cake came, 2-layered and small cause it was just us. But Piper seemed ecstatic that it was 2-layered itself.

Nico and Will barged in, Will panting and Nico on strides.

"WE ARE HERE!" Will announced.

"We can see." Leo said, smirking. Why was he smirking.

"Pipes, I have a gift for you. The one and only-" Leo starts and takes something out of his pocket "Katoptris."

"WHAT THE HELL? LEO, THAT'S MY GIFT." Annabeth roars, crossing the room to him and Leo yelps, "I thought I stole Percy's, I'm sorry!"

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