Chapter 14: Rebel Attack

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Jason POV

It was dinner time and the Selected collected at the dining room as my family and Frank entered.

Freya, Amelia, Elena, Hazel, Calypso and Piper are together, everyone laughing with a flushed Calypso

Frank was staring at the same table too.

"You told Nico? Or Bianca?" I ask.

He nodded. "Nico is on his way here. He should be in the plane now." He says.

"She didn't deserve anything she's been through, she's a 1, Frank, living her life as a 6. That's just messed up." I say and Frank grunts in agreement.

"So we will fix it." Frank said and I stay quiet.

Suddenly, the alarms started blaring. Rebel attack.

Guard surrounded us and started guiding us to a safe-room. The Selected have a similar guard, one I have never seen before though.

Piper takes one of the knives and tucks it in her boot. Smart.

We're taken to a room, specially for the Royal Family and are sat with a guard who's monitoring the entrance. 

We sit for a long time, and keep hearing an occasional scream to which I tightly close my eyes.

After a long time with no sound, the guard went out to check and came back in.

"Uhh, sir. There are several bodies............of the rebels. None dead, but wounded. It's safe now, nevertheless." The guard says.

We exit the room as Dad and Mom head to take care of this. Thalia goes back to her room

Frank and me try to find Piper and Hazel.

We hear a clicking noise then something gets thrown and a growl of frustration.

We look to find Piper, on the floor, against a wall staring at a dagger, aggressively wiping her tears.

"Piper! Are you ok?" Frank asks, going to her side.

I go too, after I unfreeze my legs.

"Fine." She sniffles.

"I-I hurt the, um, rebels?" She says, though it comes out as a question.

Then it strikes me, all the injured bodies.

"They are gonna be okay, right?" Piper asks.

"Of course." I lie.

"Okay. That's good. Okay." Piper nods and Frank just spectates our conversation.

"Are you ok?" I ask and she nods.

"Piper, you are hurt!" Frank shouts pointing to Piper's leg.

There was a scar from her mid thigh to a bit above her knee, the width being narrow. It was bleeding.

"It's fine." She says.

"It is not!" I say, horrified. Anyone else I know would be bawling.

I stand up and scoop her up.

"I can stand! I'm not crippled!" Piper wriggles.

"Good. But I'm still carrying you to the infirmary." I say. "Frank, find Hazel, please." I say and he nods, going off in another direction.

Upon reaching, I set her down and go to call someone.

"Hello? We have an emergency." I say.

"Coming!" I hear and Will appears.

"Oh thank gods! Nico's here then?" I ask leading him to Piper.

"He went to find his sister." Will says

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