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so uhmm, this is basically just a cod fanfic 🤷‍♀️ idk what im doing with my life and this book 🤦‍♀️, anyways enjoy!
(if this doesn't make sense, sorry not sorry😼😛)

the beginning.
every month there would be trucks coming into the military base with boxes filled with suplies like guns, bullets and other stuff.

those boxes would then be stored in sectioned areas, with a girl being in one of them, no one knew how she got in, except for herself herself.

captain price and his team finally returned back after a long and stressful mission, they were back at the base, or well.. the base was more a safe house like place for them to use as after stressful missions and exhausting training. Five men entered the living room area, captain price, gaz, soap, roach and ghost, all were very tired.. and walked over to the large sofa, and plopped down.
gaz and soap immediately starting to converse with eachother, price just closing his eyes and listening into their conversations, roach was just stretching himself and ghost? he was sharpening his knives

the sun was starting to set, as some rays of sunlight danced upon their faces, roach took off his tactical gear, leaving it on the sofa before making his way over towards the kitchen, before suddenly.. everyone in the room got alerted by the loud shattering noise that came from the kitchen, price immediately stood up and started walking over to where roach was standing
"i swear to god, if it's those raccoons again-.." he grumbled out angrily, before roach suddenly reached out to his captain and stopped him, "sir.. i don't think that's a raccoon.. we should be careful.." he said softly, and price just nodded at him.

price entered the kitchen first, as he slowly took out his knife, and saw in what state the kitchen was, glass shattered everywhere, a slight blood trail, that lead to a girl crouched down, as her back was facing him, she seemed to be holding onto her bleeding wrist, her clothes were ragged.. if he could even call that clothes.. it was supposedly a white dress.. but it was ragged dirty, and bloodied, as for her shoes.. she had none, her feet were wrapped in bandages.
he was wary of the girl, was she an enemy? a threat..? how did she get in?.. but nonetheless he walked over to her slowly, his knife showing in his hands, before she suddenly quickly turned around facing him, her eyes wide and teary, she seemed very scared, she tried saying something as she opened her mouth, but started coughing violently, before she shook her head quickly, backing up as she fell backwards, some glass shards sinking deeply into her skin, cutting her, as blood withdrew, and oozed from the wounds.

the girl backed up all the way before bumping with her back against the counters, as tears started rolling down her cheeks, she stared at the knife in his hands.. seemingly scared to what he was gonna do with her, price noticed her gaze, and put his knife away, back in his pocket, before walking over to her, and crouching down.
"miss, are you alright? you're bleeding.. how did you get in here?" he said, as his hands slowly made their way up to her shoulders, her eyes widened in fear, as she looked at his hands and then his face, she quickly shook her head, as she tried speaking, but she only started coughing more, before she threw herself into his arms, hugging him, tears flowing down her face, price was shocked, but hugged her back as he didn't know what to do,.. she.. seemed harmless, so he let her hug him for now, until she passed out, the others watched closely from behind their captain as just the whole thing was absurd.

"what will we do with her sir?"
gaz being the first to speak.
"well, we should first give her medical attention, then after she wakes up.. we'll see, ghost youre with me, help me treat her wounds, and.. bring some of your clothes."
the man, their captain spoke, as he stood up with the girl being in his arms, as he was making his way out of the kitchen, ghost behind him.
"i will call you when she wakes up"
price said, to the other 3 men.
"for now i would want the kitchen to be clean." he said, and walked out, ghost following behind, as the 3 men sighed, and started cleaning the messy kitchen with all the glass shards on the ground.

price carried her all the way over to the infirmary, ghost just stayed silent, looking at the girl in his captain's arms, squinting his eyes slightly at her.
"ghost, i want you to treat her wounds and stay with her until she wakes up, i will be gone, as i got to attend some urgent matters, i will come back as soon as possible, do not leave her side lieutenant, as we cannot trust her yet." he spoke out as ghost only nodded to that and responded with a yes sir.
the two men stepped inside the infirmary, and price layed her down in a medical bed, before turning over to ghost, nodding, and then leaving the room.

ghost turned to her and sighed, he took off his gloves and put them aside for now, as he tended to her wounds, and the glass shards in her wrist and palms, he then thought about bringing her his clothes for her as she clearly needed some.. so he quickly finished with taking out all the glass shards and cleaning her wounds, before bandaging them up, and quickly left to get some clothes.
he soon came back, a hoodie and some long pants, it would probably be way to big for her but.. at least she would be comfortable, he placed the clothes somewhere, before sitting on the chair next to her, and closed his eyes as he was now just gonna waiting for her to wake up.


alrighttt if theres any soelling mistake oopsies, i didn't proof read this😰

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now