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last chapter for today, if i wont post tomorrow then oops,

"alright, i got you some books and pencils"

roach said as he sat down next to naomi, holding books with english exercises and books for to read.

"you help when i not get?"

she spoke out softly, she had this slight accent when she spoke, but not one of those stereotypical accents.. one if those eastern european accents in a way, it was a slightly funny accent she had.

roach had promised her that he would teach her together with the rest, after that day when she ended up there in their base she had grown slightly closer to roach, but mostly price, as she mostly hides behind him when she gets scolded by ghost because of her constant presence near him, roach wasn't sure why he acted like that with her, maybe because of the distrust, but he was sure hell griw slightly warmer towards her.

"yes yes, of course i'll help."

he answered quickly.

"ah, okay"
she said while smiling warmly at him.

soap tried getting close to the girl as well, as he found her cute, like a little sister, but she didn't really trust him as he tried talking to her, same went with gaz.. but he was less persistent into talking to her as he wanted to give her time into trusting him.

roach and naomi were sat at the table with the scattered english books, she was really doing her best, she even improved a bit, he was surprised how fast of a learner she was.

"is.. this correct?"
she suddenly spoke as she showed him the book in which she wrote, she just completed an exercise.

"yes, yes that's how you do it, good job naomi"

he chuckled at her as to how cute she looked because of her excitement for completing a whole exercise on her own without his help this time.

"okay you two, that's enough for today."
suddenly a gruff voice spoke out, ghost.

he stood leaning against a wall, his eyes slightly squinting as he looked at roach, and then averted his gaze on naomi.. it's as if he looked annoyed by her presence.

"yes, sir."
roach spoke out, he stood up and smiled down to naomi.

"well naomi, we'll continue this tomorrow, you've done really good today."

he said smiling at her as he oatted her head.


ghost said sternly as giving him a slight warning.

"right, yes sir sorry."
he quickly said pulling his hand away from naomi's head and quickly making his way to the kitchen as it was his turn to cook dinner for everyone.

now roach out the room, naomi tensed up.. ghost was glaring at her.

"you, have any fighting experience?"

he suddenly asked, she didn't expect him to talk, she was hesitant, but nodded yes.

he didn't say anything after that, only blinking slowly.

naomi also wanted to stay quiet, but then changed her mind as she spoke.

"yes.. i do.."

she mumbled looking away from him as she turned back to the books in front of her, she tried cleaning them up, to make some space on the table, suddenly she felt a presence behind her, so she turned around and looked up, ghost was towering over her, looking at what she was doing.. he grabbed one of the books and opened one.

"you finished this whole book today?"
he asked, he sounded cold, but slightly impressed.


she asked confused, the whole book full with english exercises was filled in with her writing.

"this one's wrong."

he suddenly said sternly, slamming the book back on the desk in front of her, that made her slightly flinch as she didn't expect him doing that, putting the book down so aggressively.

"oh.. uh.."
she was at a loss of words.

"re-do it."
he commanded roughly, he picked up a pencil and shoved it into her hands.

she quickly corrected her mistake and looked up at him.

"like this..?"
she asked, looking for his confirmation.
he just simply nodded.

"yes, that's better,"
he said quietly.

naomi was hesitant, but she asked anyways,
"can.. you teach me.. fighting?"

her english wasn't perfect but.. she definitely improved over the week.
he was surprised, but he wouldn't of course admit that so he laced it with irritation.

"you won't last."
he spoke out rudely.

she frowned at that, and looked away frim him..

"oh come on, the girl only wanted to be taught on how to fight.. what scared she might get better then you ghost?"

soap suddenly spoke out from behind both of them, naomi turned her head back around.

ghost just rolled his eyes at that, but it went unseen, he turned to look at soap.

ghost spoke out with a warning, slightly squinting his eyes at the other male.

"oh come on LT, can't you just be a BIT.. nice and teach her some fighting.. i mean if she's staying here why not teach her.. she'll definitely need it in the future."

he spoke out with a lot of hand gestures towards the taller male in front of him, ghost
just squinted his eyes at him, before closing them.. he was scowling behind that mask of his, but he sighed and them turned slightly towards naomi to give her a quick glance.

he simply said.

soap nodded and grinned
"don't go to harsh on her, and naomi.. if he'll go TO hard on you, come to me.. ill kick his ass for you."
he winked but then smiled at naomi, naomi smiled politely back at him.

ghost spoke out in a slightly annoyed tone, he gave him a warning.

soap just chuckled as he was making his way out of the room now.
"just don't make poor naomi cry or hurt."

and then he turned a left and was gone, again  naomi and ghost were alone in the room.

"i'll come get you tomorrow morning at 8, be ready."

ghost said roughly, before also then taking his leave.. naomi just sighed at that,she was glad he left.

-didn't proof read yet again😰

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now