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wsp yall, im in my writing era again..
i might start posting more frequently again soooo yuh mb for such a delay haha..

ngl i dont like this chapter, its kinda short so mb😕

🎀might be some mild smut🎀

!!!! 🎀you have been warned🎀 !!!!!!

🎀this is kinda how i imagine naomi btw ^^^i made a small sketch of her too 😅 soo if u guys wanna see let me know!🎀

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🎀this is kinda how i imagine naomi btw ^^^
i made a small sketch of her too 😅 soo if u guys wanna see let me know!🎀

anyways, moving onto the story!

i heard someone call my name. that voice.. so sweet and angelic like.

the flower field was breath taking. the sky was clear, no cloud to be seen.
the sun was shining.

i was under a tree reading a book.. but the pages were blank.

the wind was blowing, my mask was off.
my hair was short, but it felt nice to feel the wind through my hair.

i suddenly hear the sweet voice again.
i look around me but see no one, so i look behind me.

my eyes slowly widen as i see a beautiful woman aproach me.
she now stands in front of me.. her face was blurred out.

as her hands slowly cup my cheeks, she bend a bit over to get closer to my face.
the touch being so soft, i leaned in.

suddenly, her face, her body and the surroundings changed for a split second.
everything on fire, her face bloody.. and unblurred.. naomi?
but then it changed back to how it was.
is this a dream or nightmare.

the woman standing in front of me that i now know is naomi.. somehow i just have a hunch its her.

she gets closer to my face and starts smilling at me.

her knee between my legs as she gets closer, and though I longed to move, I remained frozen, a strange sensation coursing through me.

one of her hands slowly slid from my face down to my neck, as her other was still on my face.
she came closer, her breathing slowly hitched, but then she gave me a slow and subtle kiss.

her hand that was still cupping my cheek now was gripping my chin more harshly.
her other hand slowly going more down until it stopped and cupped my dick through my pants.


i look at her hand and then at her.
she was just smilling, with that mischevious look on her blurred out face.
although it was blurred.. i can clearly tell who this is.

but im sure you readers already know that as well.

she kisses me again, and slowly moves her lips down to my neck and slightly bites me, i just close my eyes.

"feisty now are we.. naomi?"
i breathed out.
am i enjoying this?

hell no.


fuck, im enjoying this.

she slowly pressed her hand up against my now hard on.

fuck fuck fuck.
what is this woman doing to me.

i press my lips together, i wanted to say something.. i wanted to stop her.
but did i really?

her finger played with the zipper of my pants, and i gulped.
what am i? some kind of school boy??
as if i cant control myself because of my hormones.
teenage days, how frustrating.

"enjoying yourelf?"
i question, irritated by all of this.

she just grins and slowly unzips my pants, my pants halfway down my legs already, her finger pressing up against my buldge, it pained me.. but it felt good too.
im ashamed.
her finger slowly slides down my hard on.
i just let out a low groan.

i faintly hear, its not her.. its a mans voice.
the wicked woman just continues torturing me with this slight pleasure im feeling.
then i hear the mans voice again..

i hear it more clearly now.


i jump awake.
my hand immediatly flies over to cover my buldge.
im sure no one noticed.

i look around and the chopper has already landed.
i sigh, shake my head and stand up.
so it was all a dream afterall.

naomi's pov,
i wake up, stretching my limbs.
that felt nice.

i stand up and look around.

i sigh quietly when i see everyone is still asleep.
i quietly look for my clothes and put them on, then i leave the room without making a sound.
the moment i closed my door, i see my drill instructor ames?
he had a stern look on his face but, when he saw me already awake it softened.

"good. you are already awake."
i nodded
"yes sir, i am."
i immediatly straightened myself and saluted him.
"since you are the first one to be awake, you go get yourself some breakfast, then get into the training room, its in zone A room 003."
i nodded
"yes sir"
he nodded at me back and entered the room i was just in, the door slowly closed like in one of those horror movies, damn.. i guess they will be yelled at for not being awake huh.

i get to the cafetaria, and look for my table number that my team was assigned.
i see.. igor? he was awake before me?

he notices me, and waves for me to come over.
i didnt even get the chance to grab food yet but i was already sitting next to him.

"naomi, i got you breakfast."
i looked at the plate of food, eggs, bacon, and vegetables.
"there was also something with fish or whatever, but i know you hate seafood so i grabbed the last plate of this"
he said smilling shyly at me.
"ah igor, always looking after me hm?"

Future pov:

"if only i was the one looking after you.. maybe then i could've saved you."

i smiled at igor,
"thank you"
he just smiled more at my back and nodded his head, then game me the plate he was saving for me.

we started eating, and soon enough we were finished and now walking to the training room.

"zone A room 003.. right?"
i asked looking up at igor, this man was tall as hell.
if ill keep looking up like this my neck will start hurting, my head might even fall off.

"yes nao, thats right"

"igor! i told you not to use that embarassing nickname.. especially not here"
i groaned in annoyance.

he just laughed.
"sorry m'lady."
i just sighed
"whatever.. lets just get this training over with."

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now