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wsp guys!!🙏 heres a lil sketch of Igor😥

this is my version of igor🙏😓 so sorry if u guys imagined him differently but yeah

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this is my version of igor🙏😓 so sorry if u guys imagined him differently but yeah.
lmk what u guys think!😁

anyways! moving onto the story.



naomi slowly woke up to banging on her door, she groggily pushed herself down into her pillow as she wanted to sleep further.

then suddenly the door slammed open.
soap yelled out.
"rise and shine princess!"
gaz yelled out, as they both entered the door.
i just groaned in annoyance, just wanting to sleep further but.. i guess that wasn't an option anymore.

the covers got pulled off of her, and she sits up, rubbing her eyes as she was frowning, the moment she opened her eyes she was greeted with a cake.

on the cake it said.
'welcome to the team!'
in very cursive letters.
wow how nice.

my eyes sparkled at how delicious the cake looked.
"woah- thank you guys"
i said before being quickly cut off.
"we also got you this."
gaz said while soap handed me an envelope.
"we just in case made you a second one too if you didn't like the other card with the illustration on it."
i get curious and open it. i see a very very pink card.
with a cat and a ribbon on its ear?
"thats hello kitty"
he said pointing at the cat.
i look at the front where the hello kitty was and it said happy birthday.. its not my birthday?
i nod slowly, "can i have the second card too?"
i ask, not opening the hello kitty card just yet and receiving the second one.
i was opening it slowly open it and as i take it out i see a dark figure on it, with a long cape.
i look up at the two, seeing my questionable looks they answered.
"that's batman, a superhero"
i nod slowly in acknowledgement now.
batman and hello kitty.. huh what a combo, one is very pink and the other quite darkish and a bit blue with some yellow, the only thing in common these two cards have is that it says happy birthday on the front.
i flip open both cards and see the exact same is written on it.

'welcome back, glad you made it!'

"i wrote those"
gaz said.
"and i drew the little sketches"
soap said proudly.
on the pinkish hello kitty card i saw little flowers and the hello kitty figure on the card together with a little drawing of me i assume that is.

on the other card
it had the drawings of batman and little bats on it and again a little drawing of me.
i stared down at the two cards in both of my hands, my hair slowly falling and covering my face as i still sit up straight in my bed, the two guys at my bed now whispering.

"i told you we just should've went with the cake."
gaz whisper yelled nudging soap in his side.
"whatt whats the fun in that!"
he whisper yelled back nudging gaz back in his side now.

then they both got quiet and turned to look at me.
"hey- naomi.. do you like it or.. if not that's totally fine we just thought-"
i quickly cut them off, looking up at them with a big smile i get out of bed and hug them both.

"thanks i love them"
i say genuinely appreciating their nice gesture.
they loosened up the moment i said i liked it.

"now, let me get dressed and we shall eat the cake!"
i said smiling.
"we will be waiting in the kitchen"
the two nodded and then left my room with the cake.
and so i put on some darkish nude green cargo pants, not that i really liked cargos but whatever.
then i put a simple black tanktop on and headed out walking towards the kitchen now.

there gaz and soap were waiting, surprisingly the captain was there too?
"glad to see you awake naomi"
the captain said with a smile and a nod.
"yes goodmorning captain"
i say while quickly saluting him.
he pauses his smile as he had slight shock on his face.
"my they certainly taught you how to behave there huh?"
i sigh and nod, "i suppose so sir."
i say as i make my way so i could sit down.

hours pass by as we laugh and talk while eating the cake together with black tea and some coffee too.
the cake was really nice and delicious, as for the boys.. i think they were quite glad to see me again and that i passed.
as for the captain he was i think quite proud that i managed to pass by the tests that they've put me through at boot camp.

as the others talk away from what they would do in the holidays when they get a month off i drifted off into my own thoughts.

wondering how tomorrow will be like, and how i realised that i missed roach out of everyone here.
i saw that guy more as a dad to be honest, he always brought me food, and taught me most of the time english and other things that i didn't get to learn as a kid due to my situation.

i'm excited to see him, but then.. on the other hand that annoying man is coming back too, and sadly ill have to see him as well.

i sigh out loudly, not realising the others paused their conversation and looked at me.

"everything alright kid?"
price said, and i snapped out of it.
"huh! oh yeah yeah sorry i was just thinking about something"
i say with an apologetic smile and tone.

"dont sweat it"
soap said as he patted my back.

i look at the clock and realise it's already six in the afternoon, damn time really does fly huh?

i sit up and grab my plate and mug then put it in the sink washing it quickly off.
"we have free for today and tomorrow right captain?"
i ask to be fully sure.
"yes, yes you do correct."
i nod
"alright then if you'll excuse me ill go outside maybe train a bit"
i said smiling before leaving and then walking down the hallways, i was still new to this base so i might as well just explore am i right?


Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now