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im SO sorry for not uploading yall, my apologies 😰
im still tryna figure out a how to make this story interesting.. BUT i was also very busy with schoolwork and stuff 😭🙏

anyways enjoy!
(ill try uploading faster!)


kreuger kinda cute ngl, anyways fr now moving onto the story😅

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kreuger kinda cute ngl, anyways fr now moving onto the story😅


the moment he got closer to my face, i had enough.
i kicked him away with all my might.
"enough Igor."
i said sternly
he just looked shocked as he stumbled back.

"but naom-"
he started, but i cut him off.
"no, what happened in the past will stay, im a changed woman now Igor."

he looked at me with sorrow in his eyes,
"my heart does no longer belong to you.. im sorry."
i said with spite.

i started walking again, trying to focus on the 'game' to capture the flag.

"but you can't ignore what happe naomi."
he suddenly said, and i halted, clenching my fist, my nails digging into my skin.

"shut up, you know nothing!"
i said turning around while frowning.
to my surprise i was met with his chest.
"naomi i was there, i know and saw mostly everything."
he said slowly wrapping his hands around me as i stood still.
he lowered his head to whisper in my ear.
"you didn't move on, did you?"
my eyes slightly widened at that, my breath halted for a second.
"how do-"

"because i know you naomi."
he said putting his face in the crook of my neck.

"because we practically grew up together, моя любовь"
(my love)

"or did you forget?"
he said slowly kissing my neck, just a small single kiss..and it send tingles down my spine as i tensed up.

he immediately stopped as he felt me tensing up.
he immediately apologised, but stayed in the position he was in with me.

"now.. naomi i'll ask you one more time.."

i sighed and nodded.
i said, not pushing him away this time.

i started.

"as we were all in that car trying to escape.. you were driving.. remember? and so..."

i sighed as i remembered the foggy memories.. but at the same time it was all so vivid still.


Igor was driving, as he was the only one who knew how to.
me, Isa and Mina were at the back, Mina and I were shooting through the cracks of the windows at the russians that were chasing us.

Meanwhile Isa was sticking her head out like the crazy person she is, throwing explosives at them.

until i heard a loud shot, Isa's body dropped to the ground. i turn around my eyes widened with horror, filling up with tears.
a clean shot straight in her forehead.

a clean hole, right through her head
bleeding out, right there and then on the floor of the military truck.


i yell hard enough for Igor to hear too.
Mina turns to me with shock writte all over her face.
but she quickly composed herself.
and grabbed my shoulders, she saw the panic in my eyes.

"успокойся, ты знал, что такое могло случиться, мы сказали ей, что она не слушала.. она была хорошим бесстрашным другом.."

(calm yourself, you knew this couldve happened, we told her she didn't listen.. she was a good fearless friend..)

she sighed, grabbed my gun that was in the ground next to the pool of blood, and looked at me with motivation.

"мы похороним ее как следует... я обещаю... но теперь нам нужно сначала выбраться отсюда."
(we will give her a proper burial.. i promise.. but now we have to get out of here first.)

she nodded at me and i nodded at her, we hugged quick and went back to business, shooting again.

suddenly, the back doors of the vehicle bust open and the car goes up because of a big bump.

Mina falls out.

we were on a narrow road, in the woods surrounded by only trees and other natural surroundings.

next to us was a steep hill, at the end of the hill was a very dangerous and rough looking river.

I saw Mina falling in slow motion as i tried grabbing her, we brushed our fingertips against eachother, and thats it. i lost her.. just like that.

i saw as her ragdoll like body rolled down the steep hill, luckily not hitting any trees in the process, and hitting the water, and then her body was gone in the wild river.

gone and probably dead by now.


i scream with tears down my face, my whole world slowing down, my own blood, my own family.

i come back down to the real world as a bullet flies through the air almost grazing my head, but i dodge it somehow, im enraged by what happened, i turn around.. i've had enough.. Mina said to not use this.. sorry Mina.. this one last time i wont listen to your advice and just hope for the best.

i grab the rocket launcher we had, stepping over Isa's dead body, the car goes over another bump.. i suddenly hear something roll and fall out of the truck.. i turn around

Isa's body was no longer in the truck but instead probably somewhere on the road.. squished too by the tired of the cars that were chasing us down.

i fucked up bad time,

i aim at the cars.
"sayonara motherfuckers."
and then i shoot, richt at the first car, making it explode as the other cars crashed into it.

bingo! got them losers- i mean.. ahem- mission accomplished.

tbc.. for now


Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now