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i wrote this all in school but i just forgot to post oopsies🧚‍♀️🎀anyways enjoy!

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i wrote this all in school but i just forgot to post oopsies🧚‍♀️🎀
anyways enjoy!

After an hour or two of driving, i was finally woken up by igor as he stopped the car.

"были здесь."
(we're here)
he said as i felt a hand on my shoulder.
i wake up fully now, immediately remembering to what happened some hours ago, Isa.. KIA, Mina.. MIA? at least i hope she is.. and isn't dead instead.

i look at igor.. and just start tearing up.

"Игорь, они мертвы!"
(igor, they're dead!)

i say with anger and sorrow, my voice cracking at that.

he just sighed and hugged me, after some time he let go and got out of the car.. but i just stayed seated in the car, staring into nothingness as i just space out.
but i snap out of it the moment i hear the door open from my side, i look to my right and igor is holding out his hand for me, a true gentleman.. like always.
i take his hand and step out.

we were in like.. mountains i could say? surrounded by trees..?

me and him decided to go and stretch our limbs, while getting some fresh air, since we've been in the vechile for hours now probably.

the sun was setting, we escaped.. miraculously.
If me and igor will get safely to the city, i will definitely give Isa a proper burial.. Mina too.. even if she might've survived.. im sure she'll somehow reach out to me.. or at least i hope since she is my dear sister after all, older sister at that too.

suddenly.. i heard footsteps, it was practically dark already..

but im sure i just saw something go into a bush, trying to hide..
this isn't good, did they catch up to us already? shit.
i have to warn Igor and we need to get out of here.

i ran up to him as quiet as possible, he just looked at me, with one brow raised.
i signed him to be quiet by putting a finger on my lips, then whispered.

"они нас догнали, нам пора двигаться."
(they caught up to us, we have to move now.)

he nodded, took my hand and led me to a small pathway through the little mountains that we were in.. well it wasn't all so little because we were quite high but, you get the point.

when i found myself at the edge of a steep downhill my adrenaline was pumping in my veins, and i wasn't sure if it was because im so close to the edge and that if someone were to blow on me i would literally immediately fall off or if its the fear of getting caught and going back there.

either way, me and igore surpassed the steep and small edge by hugging the wall, and we were in this short tunnel like cave?
but we moved on as it wasn't safe yet.

but suddenly we both heard yelling and cursing, following immediately after that sounds of guns going off.

they spotted us, shit.

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now