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"so that's it? we're just gonna let her stay like that? what if she's an enemy? a threat?"

ghost lashed out at price.
both were now on a different room,
just them as they tried to think what they would do with her.

"look ghost, i know im making a rational decision but, she's just a kid, she has no where to go.. well take turns in looking after her, she can maybe be an asset to the military.. no wait.. maybe well wait till she turns older.. she mentioned she was 19 right?"

ghost was clearly frustrated with this whole ordeal

"we're not a daycare"

price sighed and shook his head.

"never said we were ghost, but this is an order."

ghost stayed quiet and didn't know what to say, he grumbled something under his breath and then said a quiet "yes sir.."

meanwhile naomi roach gaz and soap were still in the same room, asking a lot of questions.

"so, you don't know you're last name?"
gaz asked, naomi shook her head no.

"and.. you said you're english isn't that good right?"

roach said, and naomi nodded once more
"would you like me to teach you?"

her eyes immediately lit up and she smiled and nodded, "please.."
roach smiled and spoke once more.

"sure, ill teach you then"

naomi got excited and started smiling at him even more now, showing him her excitement.


she asked, meaning when theyll start, or that's what roach guessed she meant.

"well, maybe this evening? i can print out some papers, and you can fill them in, or just simple english exercises"

naomi nodded at that, and gave him a small thumbs up, her voice wasn't as raspy before, meaning the pill price gave her, worked.
mm, strawberry flavour.

she siad his name while smiling

"yes, that's my name?"
he smiled back at her, she held out a hand to him.

"military.. man?"

"yes i am a man who works for the military"

her eyes were big and curious, she laid down back to get more comfortable in the medical bed.

"old man with beard.. is.. captain?"

soap and gaz snickered at naomi calling price old, and roach just chuckled.

"well, yes price, our captain.. he isn't exactly old though."

she made an o shaped face

"alright kid, are you hungry?"
soap asked, naomi shook her head no
but her stomach betrayed her and started making noises, she slightly frowned at that.

"hmm, well then, i'll still be making food for everyone tonight so.. you're always free to sit with us at the table, come on gaz you're helping."


gaz was being pulled away as he was cut off.
naomi and roach remained in the room, they talked, or well he mostly talked and she kept trying to answer his questions, or just make an effort to continue their small conversations.

soon ghost and price stepped back inside, price looked at roach and naomi,

"where's gaz and soap?"
price asked as he raised a brow.

"went to make food for everyone, naomi was also feeling very hungry so that's why."

price nodded and looked at ghost, ghost sighed, still a bit frustrated but tried calming down.

price then spoke once more,
"alright well, when we all eat at the table, ill have something important to say."

naomi smiled and nodded, roach just nodded and turned to naomi, before speaking.

"captain, im thinking of teaching naomi more english, i mean.. she'll be staying with us right?"

price nodded
"yes well, we will discuss this at dinner."

"yes, sir."

_ _           _ _            _ _           _ _       _ _           _ _

everyone sat at the table, the food being served by soap in an apron.

chicken, rice mixed with eggs and some good spices on it.

naomi was seated i between ghost and price
naomi held out her plate, as she smiled at soap, only earning a big smile back from soap and the others, she looked like a small kid, with those big, green curious eyes of her.

she grinned at soap, before quickly eating her food, it looked like she didn't eat properly in like for ages.

"woah there, slow down with the eating kiddo, no one's gonna take your food away"
gaz spoke, although he was 21, he still called her kiddo or kid, but she didn't mind.

soap served everyone, filling in their bowls with delicious food, he took off the apron and threw it on a counter before seating himself at the table.

"alright, everyone, let's make one thing straight.."

price spoke as everyone turned their attention to him, except naomi, she kept on eating, enjoying the food.

"i've decided that we'll take care.. of naomi.. as she doesn't have a home to return to.. i was thinking that we should take turns, teach her things, and learn her english, like you asked for earlier roach, that was a good idea.. so the ones who want to teach her english do so"

he spoke before looking at naomi for a split second, but then shifted his gaze back at the men in front of him.

"let's say, tonight we will do.. *ahem*.. some bonding time, with naomi, for us to get to know her.. and her to trust us more."

everyone nodded except for ghost, he was looking away from everyone.. in his own thoughts behind his mask, well.. he was also hiding his lower exposed half of his face because he just didn't feel like exposing it to anyone as he was eating.

naomi turned to ghost as the other four men were conversing, she tugged on his clothes to gain his attention.. he ignored her though, he didn't turn around, she gave him a couple more tugs before giving up and huffing out air, but that didn't go unnoticed by soap.

soap chuckled at naomi giving up on gaining ghost's attention.

naomi then turned to price, and tugged on his sleeve, he immediately turned to look at her. "yes,.. naomi?"

"i-... done.. finished"
she showed him his plate and smiled
"where placed? to wash?"

"oh, don't worry you don't have to wash your plate if thats what you're asking, gaz and soap will be cleaning those up"

he smiled at the girl, and gaz just looked at price, and then at soap before grumbling and being annoyed that soap dragged him into cooking for everyone, because now he had to clean.

soon enough everyone was done, and they basically dragged naomi over to the living room area, there were multiple sofas and a big tv screen, soon enough soap and gaz joined them in.

"alrighttt who wants to play just dance-!"
gaz exclaimed happily, obviously slightly excited.

"just-.. dance?"
naomi question, everyone saw the puzzled and confused look on her face, she did not know what just dance was,

"its a game where you dance."
roach answered, she looked at him and her expression lit up as she nodded and smiled understanding now.

-not proofread

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now