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the pic above, i took myself so yuh😰


that's when she woke up, she looked out the window, it was still dark.

she stood up from the bed, the room was small and empty, nothing much as it was first a supplies closet, price made it into her room for now.

she opened the door and was met with a dark hallway and dark oak wood doors,
the doors to the other's their rooms.

she was bare foot, in some way to big shorts and hoodie, she was in a desperate need of new clothes.


a door swung open, she jumped from the suddenness as she saw a tall man leaving his room, ghost.

"youre awake, good."
he spoke very quietly.
he just stared at her, before he quickly started walking, he didn't say anything else.

naomi just followed, she was feeling 3 things right now.. stress, excitement and fear.

obviously she was a bit scared of the taller man, but i mean.. who can blame her?

they entered the gym like training room
ghost walked over to one of the mats, and halted, turned around and stared at her again.

"we stretch first."

naomi hesitated, before nodding slowly as she bend down to stretch her legs, she felt his eyes on her, it gave her anxiety.

she straightened her back again as she was done stretching her legs.

ghost just stared at her, before he made a swift move and was behind her now, taking her arms and showing her how she should stretch her upper body.

she immediately tensed up.
he said in a mere whisper, she didn't relax.

"im only showing you how to stretch youre upper body kid."
he said sternly, before letting her arms go, and stepping away from her, and so she did the exact same thing he showed her just now to stretch out fully.

"thank.. you.."
she mumbled while looking behind her back up at him.

"we will start with warming up, running."

she just gave him a look that he didn't really know what she meants by, but he shrugged her off as he motioned for her to follow outside now, it was the beginning of fall, and it was already this dark in the morning, it was 8:11 am.

it was drizzling outside, they stepped onto a field track.. and without any other order, he just started running, not fast.. but also not slow.

she immediately started running as well, trying to maintain the same speed, she surpassed him, went behind him, next to him.. but she just couldn't maintain the same speed as him for some reason.. and soon she started to get tired.. but he had no plan of stopping so soon.

8:40 am.

she was laying on the ground panting and huffing for air, as he was just standing next to her, looming over her body, clearly judging her, or so it looked like at least.

he kept pushing her, not letting her stop, he was harsh.. that was definitely clear.

"stand up."
he said sternly, she just looked at him, and he looked back at her, with those dark eyes of his.. basically just piercing into her soul.

she stood up, but stumbled over quickly regaining her balance though.

"im slightly impressed."
he said, his voice.. mocking?

she raised a brow at him.

"i was sure you were to give up."
he said, the mockery in his voice dying, being replaced by coldness.

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now