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OK.. im SO sorry that i didn't post the chapters but its cuz it was my birthday and stuff and i was celebrating so yh 😭
this chapter is slightly longer?

i hope this chapter will make sense 😢🙏
anyways enjoy!

it's been a couple of days now since ghost thought me a bit of his tricks on how to fight, he's been teaching me now every since.. even though we still have our fights all the time.. he's been quite helpful.

"since my leg is all better now, i have an idea on how you can improve yourself on one of the situations you could encounter on battle or in the test you'll be going through."

i nod as i listen carefully,

"yesterday i've hung up somewhere in the woods in one of the trees a red ribbon, if you manage to find it you win."

i say raising a brow at him and crossing my arms.

"but i'll chase you down, and if i catch you, you loose.. and let's make this more intresting.. if i catch you, you'll do for the rest of the week everything i ask you.. without your snarky and bratty little attitude or comments."
he said, i could practically see the evil grin plastered on his face, now the question is.. should i let him chase me down the forest.. or not?

"and if i win?"
i said, not liking where this is going.

"same goes for me, i'll do whatever you please."

i smirked,


we shook heads,

"now.. i'll give you a head start."

i nodded, turned around.. and ran as fast as i could into the woods.

as i was running i've noticed something over the time, this forest was huge.. and he wants me to find the ribbon he here somewhere his.. and for all i know he could literally just wait at where he hid it, and then just capture me like this.. i need to come up with a good strategy.

as i ran deeper into the forest, my anxiety grew.

ghost pov,
this is probably the easiest bet i'll ever win, i thought to myself smirking a bit then chuckling.

í check the timer and her head start time is almost up.

be prepared naomi, i will come and get you.
i had an evil look on my face, and evil grin plastered on my lips, not that anyone really could see of course due to the mask.

the timer was finally up and i began to make my way towards the forest.

naomi's pov,
it's been maybe half an hour already, and i still haven't found anything.. this is harder then i thought it would be, and my anxiousness about him being close and catching me is just growing and growing.

maybe this was a bad idea to accept, but oh well im no pussy.

i tried to hype myself up.

i sighed and just tried to calm down my thoughts, after running so much i have stopped and just started walking as i was far away from where i was before anyways, and i still need my stamina for later.

i suddenly hear a branch break behind me, i snap my head towards the sound but to my surprise i see no one..

has he really already caught up to me? wow i guess he really is all that great huh.

i wasn't really sure if i should start running away, but the moment i see a knife flying my way from the other side i do so anyway,

i run as hard and fast as i can, because right now thats all i can do.. and what the hell í didnt know we could use our knives for this?
if he would've missed then the idiot would've hit me with the knife and what then?
what an idiot i swear..

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now