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why he a cutie tho😕

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why he a cutie tho😕


as i finish putting my hair up in a messy bun i look at myself in the mirror, this is cute i guess.
i then hear three knocks on my door.

"come in"
i say as i apply some lipgloss, ..why does it taste good though?

i dont turn around to see who it is, as im too focused on applying some little mascara on my lashes.

"are you gonna join us"
i suddenly heard roach say, i look at him through the mirror.
"uhhuh, just give me a minute"
i say as i slowly finish up

he was leaning against the door, and as i turned around he straightened his posture and looked at me, his brows slowly going up.
"you look pretty"
he randomly blurted out.
i just smile at him while chuckling.
"thank you roach, you don't look too bad yourself"
i say as i walk passed him and out of my room.
he just rolled his eyes playfully while grinning.
"why thank you miss naomi"
we both then just laugh as we were both walking down the hallway.

soon enough we were in the kitchen, and i saw we had a small cake with one candle in it for some reason and a bunch of liquor.
this night might get crazy..

i smile as soap wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him, im between him and gaz.

how fun.

i look around and only see the three boys.. where's the fourth grumpy one.
i think to myself.

and as if soap read my mind he answered my question that was in my head.
"Ghost should be asleep so someone get him"
soap said.
everyone looked at eachother, and then i sighed.

"i'll go"
i said before leaving the kitchen again.
oh my what a pain.

i walk through the hallways and stop infront of his door.
without thinking i dont knock and just open the door.

i got greated by a surprise.

my eyes wide my jaw dropped.

his one hand pressed up against his mouth as his eyes were closed, his other hand.. or arm actually was under the covers.

he was touching himself.
and what a sight it was.
god damn.


(i cringed writing this part ngl, but hey someone has to bring some spice into this😛)

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now