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a month passes by, naomi's english is better then ever before and she grew quite close to all the men, well except for ghost.. she figured he was more of the quiet annoyed by everything type.

its been a couple of weeks now, naomi was alone in the base, it was quite quiet as the men were on a mission.
she was curious on when they would come back, she decided that today would be the best day to explore the whole base.
the base wasn't huge, it was just a simple base for a group of 5 and soon to be 6.. hopefully.
the first thing she wanted to check out was the rooms, she walked down the hallway and stopped at the first door, the captains room.. and so as she stepped it the room looked basic as hell, she was sure that not every room would've look the same right?

she walked to the next door, the opposite of the room she was just in right now, and she was wrong, the room looked identically the same, so lame. she frowned and a small scoff left her lips, maybe she could pimp their rooms up a bit.. with some colors? she thought to herself with a smile.

price's bed and room was made and clean, the room she was now in was gaz's room, opposite of made and clean, it was messy and.. stinky.
she almost gagged and ran up to the small window in the room and opened it quickly, she looked close by, the room was quite dirty.. she decided to check the other rooms, if they maybe were just as dirty as gaz's.
so she checked roach's and soap's room... they were just as bad.. maybe even worse, then there was just one more room left, ghost's room, she was almost convinced that that man would've locked his room, but to her surprise it wasn't, it was slightly different, more darker?.. was he.. what was the term soap used.. ah yes.. emo?

his room wasn't the cleanest but at least it wasn't as bad and stinky like the other 3 rooms, those idiots.. she cursed under her breath to herself.
and so she took it upon herself to clean, even price's room, just to give it a fresher touch.

5 hours later, the base, the kitchen, the rooms, were sparkling.. she basically deep cleaned the shit out of the base.

at the end she plopped down on one couch and just fell asleep. 3 hours later, the men returned.. 2am after 3 weeks they were back.
the guys noticed it was cleaner then usual.

ghosts pov,
as we returned i smelled all the cleaning products, naomi's doings..
my eyebrows scrunch up a bit together, did she try to cook dinner or something with those products. i sighed and walked over to the couch and to my surprise she was sleeping there, i shook my head and picked her up, the base was indeed more cleaner then before.
i walked into her room and layed her down, then covered her up with a blanket and closed the small window in her room, and then i left.

soap was leaving his room but paused in his tracks and shot me a confused but also teasing look,
"why are you leaving her room?"

he asked with a shit eating grin.
i sighed and shook my head,

"idiot, i just put her in her bed, she was sleeping on the couch." i shook my head in slight annoyance.

"btw you should thank her, we all should became she cleaned like.. the whole base and even our rooms,"
soap said with a grateful smile while talking about naomi, i shot up a brow, she cleaned my room as well? i thought to myself.

i just nod towards soap and leave to get to my room, as i enter, the sweet smell of roses hits my nose.
where the hell did she get all of this shit, because im sure as hell we didn't have these products here.
i sighed, but then my eyes landed on the beautiful bouquet of field flowers that we're standing on my nightstand in a white vase, she plucked them herself?

then i realised that there was a note to it, my curiosity was now peaked.. did she do this for all the guys or just me.. i know im supposed to be the big intimidating cold guy.. but i couldn't help myself and smile a bit under that balaclava of mine, speaking of my balaclava.. i pull it off, and ruffled my own short kept black hair, i threw the mask onto my bed and walked closer to my nightstand and picked up the note, turned on a small lamp and sat down at my desk to read the note.

'Dear sir Simon Ghost Riley sir'

thats how the letter started, the little smirk stayed on my lips as i scoffed a bit and shook my head, her hand writing was pretty neat,

'you know i see those little annoying glances you give me, and what confuses me most is.. you just stay quiet? whats up with that.. you do make me curious Riley.
mind writing me back maybe? because im sure as hell you wont talk about this just like that.. you are an interesting old man'

when i read the 'old' part, i slightly grit my teeth.. oh missy is calling me old now is she.. i chuckled in slight annoyance, the kids got some balls.

but yet i still read further.

'and if you are wondering, yes i plucked those flowers myself from the field and woods behind the base just for you, so please don't mention this to the others.. they might get jealous..'

and thats how her little note ended.. i sighed and shook my head, i throw the note into the trash.. but for some reason immediate guilt washes over me so i pick it up back from the trash and just open a book and put it between a page and then close it again.

debating if i should write back or not.


Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now