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wowow no way another chapter?🤯🤯

Naomi was woken up by the loud thunderstorm outside, she opened her eyes and looked around, there for her to see a man sitting next to the bed on a chair, he had his eyes closed.

she just looked at him, she didn't dare to move as she looked around the room, suddenly the man's eyes opened making the girl hide under her blankets quickly, she heard him sigh and suddenly the covers were pulled off of her, not fully though.

the girl looked at him, terrified as she didn't know him, and was scared that he might hurt her.

she just eyed him, as he stood up from the chair and took out his phone to text someone.

"i got some spare clothes, change i won't look.. don't try anything funny."

he spoke sternly, his british accent only intensifying.
she nodded and the man then turned around and closed his eyes.

she finished changing and tried speaking but she ended up coughing instead, her throat was damaged, sore and dry.

that made ghost turn around, he looked at her, his mask hiding any visible emotions.
he turned to the glass with water before picking it up and giving it to her, he stayed silent.

she inspected the glass.. and then looked at him, and raised a brow.

"drink it, it's just water for your throat."

she slowly nodded before taking small sips
suddenly the doors to the infirmary burst open, making her almost choke on the water.
it was price, her eyes widened, the man she hugged.

"ghost, i hope you didn't scare the poor girl."

a man spoke out from behind price, soap.
ghost just looked at him, before slowly blinking
he stayed silent, and then stood up from the chair, moving into the shadows of the room, together with the rest, as price went up to the girl and sat on the same chair ghost sat on.

"what's your name miss..?"


he was met by silence, now he wasn't sure if she even understood english or not.

she just eyed him, she opened her mouth.. but closed it again, before pointing at her throat.

"you're throat?.. you can't talk.. is it sore?"

he asked and raised a brow, only for her to not in response.
he shifted a bit and dug his hand into his pocket, he pulled out a small container with pills, probably against sore throats.. or that's what she at least guessed.

he opened the container and a pink pill came out of it, it looked like candy, he then motioned for her to take it, and so she hesitantly grabbed it, and popped it in her mouth.

"suck on it, it'll help easing you're throat."

she nodded, and a small smile was seen on her face
she smiled in gratitude, before she quickly stopped smiling and looked away, and bowed her head down as in saying thank you to the older man.

soon her throat started to ease up, she opened her mouth, she knew her english wasn't great, but she still tried to communicate with the man.

"name's.. naomi"

she managed to say.
then again he was met by silence.

"i assume your english isn't that good?"
he asked, and she nodded.

"but you understand everything i say?"
he questioned her with suspicion

she nodded once more and tried speaking again by opening her mouth.

"i speak, not good, understand well."

she spoke softly, her voice slightly cracking,
he raised a brow at her.

"is that so.. where did you come from, and how old are you."

she looked at him, but spoke once more

"bad men, captured held captive.. for.."

she counted her fingers

"10 years.. im.. 19."

she spoke as she showed him her hands, holding all 10 fingers out.
he raised his brow slightly

"who held you captive.. for 10 years.?"

he asked, and got slightly closer to her

"bad men.. rus-russi-"

she had trouble pronouncing the word

"the russians?"

he asked, she immediately nodded

"yes yes, bad men."

she said and frowned

"so, you were held captive by them since you were 9?.. do you still remember your family?"

she immediately looked at her lap and pursed her lips together and shook her head no.

"i see..do you have anywhere to go?"

he said and looked at her, her hair was messy and tangled, she was in need of a shower.

she shook her head once more

"what.. what is name..?"

he looked at her, and gave her a faint smile

"im known as captain john price, but you kid.. can just call me price"

he said and reached his hand out to her, she slightly backed away, and his hand stopped moving, but her hands quickly reached out to his hand and placed it atop of her head.

he smiled at that, and his demeanour slightly softened,

her gaze went on the four men behind him, he followed and then spoke out once more.

"introduce yourselves."

he spoke more sternly before clearing his throat,
roach stepped out, and walked over to her and held out his hand.

"gary 'roach' sanderson"

she shook his hand and smiled, and so he smiled back at her, everyone's face was uncovered and their gear was off, well everyone's face was covered except for ghost's face.

soon soap stepped up, he greeted her the same way roach did, with a friend handshake.

"my name's john Mactavish"

she nodded and shook his hand as well
gaz soon stepped up and smiled at her, she smiled back.
"you can call me gaz, full name is kyle garrick"

she nodded and then looked over at ghost, he walked slowly over to her and stared down at her
she stared back, before holding out her hand to him hesitantly, she found him a bit scary.


he spoke out lowly
she just nodded, her hand was kept up in the air waiting to shake hands, he slowly held out his hand back out to her, and shook it
she nodded and quickly pulled her hand away, as he just stood by her bed and stared down at her.

"you'll have to stay with us then for a while"

price spoke out, and looked at her, patting her head once more.

ookkkkk, didnt proof read this shit, but here ya go😼

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now