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last chapter was kinda cringe ngl😢

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last chapter was kinda cringe ngl😢

anyways enjoy!


i wake up with her snuggled up against my chest as i groggily open my eyes.
what the hell even happened yesterday.
i think to myself.

then i remembered, i wasn't all right in the head since i had a couple of drinks.. so did she.

now im not sure if i should move.. she might wake up which will probably lead to her being mad at me or something like always.

i sigh, im too tired for this i think to myself.
i look at the clock, it's very early.. and i did sleep quite good for the first time in a while now.
i look back over at her.
a thought crosses my mind, what if i just go back to sleep and deal with her once she wakes up.. ill need to probably give her some painkillers and water for her headache.

for now ill just sleep some more.

i wrap my arms around her a bit more than before and pull her closer, this is so wrong but it feels so comfortable.

i close my eyes and soon fall asleep again.

this is killing my tough guy personality.

i wake up and look at the time.. 8:30, i feel strong arms wrapped around my waist and then i realise.. it's ghost.

i tried to get out of his grip but the moment i moved, he pulles me closer groaning.. he sounded tired.

i sigh and suddenly i feel that im being turned around, now facing him.. his eyes staring into mine.

"not a word."
he simply said.
i just slowly nod, as i stare back at him.
"no one can know."
i nod again, agreeing.. this is way too embarrassing.

and if someone were to find out.. i think i would die out of embarrassment.

"can you let go."
i finally managed to say.
he blinked at me, twice.. and finaly let go.
i quickly get out of his bed and realise i wasn't wearing my clothes from the night before.

did we fuck?

"did we fu-"


i stare at him.. before picking up my clothes and quickly storming outside his room, luckily everyone was probably too hangover to get up early so no one was in the hallways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now