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this is rlly short and im sorry but its late and uhmm yeah oops😰 sorry my shnookems but yh enjoy

And then i saw..

just a bit of his nose, thats all i saw.
because the moment i wanted to roll the mask up a bit more again the door slammed open and i just pulled the mask down immediately, and turned around to see soap.

"there you are naomi"
he grinned at me and i chuckled nervously back, why did it feel like something illegal when i was trying to pull up his mask and see.
"oh- i see you patched up our dear friend simon, good job"
he gave me a thumbs up and i blushed out of embarrassment but still nodded at him in appreciation.

he said and basically just snatched me away, and dragged me over to the kitchen
"i made pancakes"
he said proudly, i just gave him a confused look.
he just deadpanned and immediately stopped smiling.
"they're for you?"
my face lit up
"oh-! oh sorry i didn't.. no sorry"
soap just laughed and pat my back
"just eat up alright?"
i nodded and picked up the plate and quickly ate the deliciously made pancakes.
at least now i had eaten my breakfast, i suppose i should thank soap later for this, as he had already had left for some important matter im sure.

some hours pass, everyone is busy right now, training and doing whatever, i on the other hand decided to check on my sick patient.
before i would do so i thought of maybe making him some soup, chicken soup would be best right now, so i decided to make that.

as i walk down the hall with a tray of chicken soup, painkillers and a glass of water.
i knock on his door and wait a little, a few seconds later i hear a gruff
"come in"
i sigh and open the door.
"how are you feeling? simon?"
i look at the bed, he isn't there? is this man an idiot?
"what are you doing out of bed? you should be resting!" i frowned as i spoke with irritation lacing my voice.

"workin' out"
he just simply said as he was doing pushups, didn't even bother to look at me.
i just scoffed
"get back to bed idiot"
i got no reply to that, his stitches will rip open if he will continue.

i said

i repeated

i repeat again but louder

but alas nothing

"simon riley."
so i try again even louder

my patience is running thinner,

"simon ghost fucking riley."
i said finally, loud, clear and annoyed.

he stopped and looked, he saw my scrunched up face, he saw my annyance.
he sat up slightly now.

he finally said.


this man is gonna be the death of me.
i thought to myself

"what..? what! i told you to get your ass in bed" i pointed at his unmade bed.

he sighed, but stood up and walked over to me, looking down at me.

"now, whats a lieutenant like me gonna take orders from a kid like you."
he said as he squinted his eyes at me, this just made me frown.

i pointed a finger at him
"i. dont. care. who. you. are."

i jabbed my finger into his chest after every word i said.

"you got shot and im taking care of you now so you better listen."

he raised his hand up to my face and gripped it tightly.
"you'll regret being such a brat later on, don't think i won't forget this."
he said now also annoyed, as his masked face was getting closer my nose was almost touching his, he let go and shoved past me going back to bed under the covers.

i rolled my eyes at ok

"ok, princess."
i said almost gritting my teeth in anger, this man really is insufferable.

he just shot me a nasty look with his eyes.

"dont look at me like that, and roll up your mask a bit"


"shut up and just do so, i got food here for you."
i quickly cut him off.

he sighed and rolled up his balaclava up to his nose, this time he was just wearing a simple black one.

every day i get more and more curious on why he keeps that damn thing on.. im sure one day ill maybe even go crazy because of it.. imagine he dies and i'll never see his face? so stupid. he is stupid.

i take the bowl with the spoon and sit on the edge of his bed.
he looks at me confused

"say ahh-"
i said to him as i grinned at him, a shit eating grin.
"im not a fuckin' child naomi god damnit."
i just rolled my eyes at him, funny how his accent came out more just now.

"stop crying and appreciate my niceness"
i said as i shoved a spoon full of chicken soup into his mouth, he looked at me, obviously frowning under that mask of his but didn't say anything further and just accepted the food.

after the soup was finished, i grapped the glass of eater and the painkiller.

"does is hurt a lot still?"
i asked, he nodded

i sighed
"alright here take this, its a painkiller"
he eyed me suspiciously but ended up taking it and gulping it down, without another word i took the bowl, tray and glass back and left his room, slamming the door behind me.

what an insufferable man i swear..
i grumbled to myself under my breath.

ghost pov,
this woman's gonna be the death of me, does she realise what she's doing to me?
i sigh and adjust myself in my bed for more comfort.
the soup she brought me was pretty good, i liked it, not too salty nor to.. sweet?
i don't understand why she takes care of me like this, i can manage perfectly fine.
why does she get so annoyed and upset about me not listening to her, not listening to staying in bed.

i slowly take off my mask and put it on my nightstand, then i cover myself more with the blankets and try and fall asleep.
but how can i when the only thing that's on my mind right now is that woman.

that insufferable woman.

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now