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I have finally arrived at the camp, after hours of flying.

i grab my bag and step out of the chopper together with price.
and there she was, the woman herself.

i said nodding my head at her, she just smiled and nodded back while stretching out her hand to me, i shook it.

"john, you've made it too i see"
price and laswell shake hands quickly, then laswell turns to me again.

"alright kid, ill show you to your instructor but then, you're on your own."
i nodded with determination filling my eyes, and so i followed her.

as i was walking behind her, i saw many people staring at me.. was there something on my face?

i hate it when they stare, why are they staring? what are they thinking?

i snapped out of it and looked around, the camp/base was huge.. or at least bigger then the last one i was in.
in a way it's refreshing, but for sure real stressful.

laswell halted, and i almost bumped into her back, but quickly came to a halt aswell.

"naomi, this is your drill instructor.. Ames Serna"

after the introductions Laswell parted ways with me and i was now alone with the stern man in front of me.

he seems like an asshole, great.

without saying another word to him, he turned around and started walking.

"follow me, rookie."

he said the word rookie with such malice in his voice that it gave me shivers down my spine.

what's his deal? i forced myself not to roll my eyes at him.

and so, he ended up showing me the whole base including where i'll be sleeping.

he led me to a room with a couple of bunkbeds, the room wasn't small but it was ginormous either.. just enough for 4 bunkebeds and some space between them.

that's where everybody was at the moment for some reason.

"listen up everyone, this is naomi.. she'll be joining us from today on."

everyone stared at me, some seemed weirded out, some looked annoyed and some didn't even pay attention.

Ames put a hand on the back of back and just pushed me into the crowd, stumbling forward.

"on you go."
he said, harshly.
and then walked away, as the others went back to doing their own thing.

i sigh, but just make my way over to an empty bed.
there was a girl on top of the bunk bed that ill be sleeping under on, she looked like a complete mean girl out of some movie..
like one of the movies soap, roach and gaz showed me ones.. those were some fun times.

"new girl.. naomi was it?"
she smiled wickedly at me.

i say, not looking at her because i was focused on unpacking some of my things.

"what's a little girl like you doing here with big and strong people like us huh?"
she grinned, again with those mean wicked eyes of hers.
what's her problem?
nevermind the looking like a whole mean girl from a movie part, she's a total bitch.

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now