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ngl i didn't rlly like this chapter 😰 i feel like it doesn't rlly make sense 🤷‍♀️

I wake up, soon realising i was back in my own bed? someone must've brought me here... that means that the guys are back!

i jump out of bed excited to see them, but i stop in my tracks, and look around.. to my disappointment i alas dont see a letter back from simon.. even though i was quite hoping for one.. but oh well what can a gal do.

she shrugged it off and without even a second doight she ran off into the living area, with a big grin on her face.

"you guys are finally back!"
i exclaimed happily.

the three 'idiots' exclaimed at the same time cheerfully.

i just chuckled while gaz, roach and soap made soace for me on the sofa.
i plopped down between them.

"is everyone still alive?" i immediately asked worriedly, "i-" roach began
"did someone get injured?"
i asked quickly before roach could even answer.

i started babbling and asking questions out of worrisome, i suddenly feel two hands on my shoulders, i look from behind me and up, it's price.
"chill out kid, we're still alive and well.. no one got injured.. well except for our friend ghost but he'll manage."
i nodded, while price handded me a cup of my favourite tea, black tea with milk and honey. i nodded with gratitude, and he just nodded back.

"what happened to him?" i asked while looking at the four.

"well-..." soap started.

"we were in a kind of a pickle and well the enemy had almost found us-, or well they did and we had to fled, i kinda blew up some hallways and the building was collapsing, thats what was meant to happen.. but not with us in it."

then gaz continued

"as roach got separated, ghost took it upon himself to go back after him but with a so called 'short cut' and so he ended up being shot"

price sighed but then looked up with me with a warm smile, the worry on my face and in my eyes was there alright.

"but, naomi.. don't worry he's been through much worse." price sighed with a small chuckle after that.

i immediately stood up, chugged the tea, gave the mug to gaz and ran towards ghosts room with a medkit that i grabbed from my room, i knocked on the door harshly.
i heard a faint 'come in' and opened the door, to see a grunting simon in bed, his breaths were ragged and his eyes closed, his brows scrunched together.. he was in pure discomfort.

he looked up at me,
he said, he said my name as if he just ran miles and was out of breath.

"how is your hip?" i quickly asked, i shut the door behind me.

he looked at me and scoffed.
"my hip 's fine."

i was about to grit my teeth in annoyance but rolled my eyes instead.

"stop lying and let me have a look"

he didn't say anything to that and just did as i asked.

i took a look.. it was poorly bandaged, and a bit bloody so i decide to take some scissors and cut the bandages open away from the wound.

back when she was still captured by those stupid russian soldiers she dealt with this most of the time, so she was used to this.

she slowly undid the bandages and took a look at his wound, she looked up at his face and held the back of her hand against his forehead, he was warm and was sweating, but her hand was cold.

as i held my hand against his forehead head he for a split second tensed up but loosened up immediately as he leaned into my touch, im sure he enjoyed the coldness of my hand against his warm forehead.

but soon his eyes snapped open and he quickly backed away, he might have a fever.

i took a cotton ball out and put some disinfectant spray on it, and started cleaning up all around the wound, then i put some numbing cream around his wound and took the tweezers, i had to wait for a bit until the numbing cream will start working.

"you might have a fever"
i said softly, breaking the silence, he's just been watching me the whole time.

"what ill do now will probably hurt the most.. riley." i said yet again in a soft tone.

he just nodded, his breathing still ragged as he clutched with one hand onto the sheets and his other slowly wrapped around my arm, as he squeezed in pain, his eyes closed, he was panting.

"alright, ill need you to let go now.."
he nodded and let go, and clutched the sheets with his second hand now.
befor ei started the 'little operation' i first opened his drawer and put one of his many balaclavas in his move so we won't ruin his teeth by biting too much due to the pain.

and so i started, i started digging the tweezers into his flesh by his hips to take out the bullet.
as he slightly arched his back, he quietly groaned in pain.

as i was digging through his wound i slowly got grip on the bullet with the tweezers.
i was slowly but surely pulling it out.

after like 5 minutes or so i successfully pulled it out and put the bullet on a tray, i started disinfecting his wound again, and then started stitching up his wound, then after that i made sure to bandage him up properly and comfortably.
im glad that the bullet wasn't really deep.

he looked at me, his balaclava was rolled up to his nose, some drool was going down his chin while the other balaclava was still on his mouth.
he was still breathing heavily, but at least most of the pain is gone now.

"alright all done now" i said slightly smiling at him.
he didn't move and i just sighed.
i took the rag out of his mouth.

"you should rest up now.."
i said while looking at his half masked face, my fingers slowly going up to his balaclava, lifting his mask up slightly with my finger already under it.
"take off the mask simon.."

he slightly frowned
"no can do woman."
he said in an annoyed voice
i frowned.
"take it off or im ripping those stitches open."
a cute little threat never hurt anyone now.. did it?

he got quiet and looked at me, but just rolled his eyes then
"fine you take it off for me then"
he said grumpily.

i had a small smile of victory on my lips.
i slowly started rolling up his balaclava and then i saw..


sorry if there's any spelling mistakes😅

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now