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anyways enjoy🥰


the day has finally come to where i'd be deported to the camp.

i was nervous to say the least.
but, i was trained by one of the best soldiers out here so lets hope for the best.

as i was packing my bags i heard a knocking, i turn around and see roach.


"price wants to see you, are you done packing yet?"
i nodded and walk over leaving my bag on my bed, ill grab that later.

roach escorted me to the little meeting room we had, before i opened the door.

"hey, before you go in.. i want you to know that.. im proud of you naomi."
he said while smiling warmly at me, then ruffling my hair.

he left and i entered the room.
price was sitting in a chair at a desk, a laptop next to him.

"thanks for finally joining us naomi."
price said while nodding.

he turned the laptop around so i could see the screen, and i saw the woman that i once already met before and that was when i was here at base the second week.

i saw while nodding.


"glad you've gained some more muscle since the last time i saw you."

i laughed shyly at her comment, its true that when she first saw me i looked like i was not fed for days, and she scolded john, and the rest of the guys that they should feed me more.

"im sure that john already informed you about this, you'll be tested and meanwhile trained for a month straight."

i could hear a sigh through the screen.

"it'll be tougher due to the competitive soldiers and rookie's surrounding you, but ive heard you made good progress."

"yes ma'am i did"
i said with respect filling my words.

"the moment you'll arrive ill have you escorted and settled in, your instructor will help you furthermore."

i nodded, and as she went on listing things about how the team will be moved to a newer base that they'll be expecting me,

but if i wont make it that itll be a shame but i coupd always just try again.

i was determined though.

but what scared me the most was not the training.. oh no.. no no,

no nothing can beat simon's disciplined and rough training.. or at least i hope nothing can top that off otherwise that would be hell, no
what im most scared of is the people.. when i heard laswell say there'll be a lot of competitive rookies and soldiers.. that scared me, because if all of them try to be better then everyone but fail to do so and you're the one who's better but not them, then they'll start being harsher on them selves, but they'll also sart feeling immense jealousy.

who knows what they'll do to me, like i said lets just hope for the best.

the little meeting was over and tye moment i walk out i was greeted with a hug.

soap wrapped his arms around me in a tight squeeze.

"w-wow there.. soap"
i chuckled, but tried pulling away.. i literally couldn't breathe.

"the little birdie is leaving its nest.."
he said dramatically while wiping fake tears away from his cheeks and eyes, i just laughed at his behaviour.

he let go of me and just held my face between his teo rough hands.

"naomi promise me that no matter what youll keep strong alright?"
i nodded while my cheeks were beeing squeezed by his hands.

"im serious, these tests are really harsh sometimes naomi"

"ok- ok i get it soap.. but dont worry i can do it"
i said smiling at him reassuringly.

he nodded and let go, just as he did so price left the room we both were in before.

"alright naomi, time to go, its time to say goodbye"
he said, and i nodded at him.


all the guys we're standing in a line, first was gaz in line.

"goodbye gaz, i really will miss your cooking"
i whispered in his ear as i hugged him.
he just chuckled and gave me a knowing grin, and i smiled back at him.

then was soap, he just stretched his arms out and hugged me tightly once more.
"you stay strong kiddo."
he said giving me a stern nod and then setting me back down.

roach looked at me, and i looked at him back.
he awkwardly stook out his hand, and i did so back, but then we just laughed and he ruffled my hair.
"stay strong naomi, i believe in you"
i smiled at him warmly and nodded.

then, there he was.
simon riley.
i sighed and squinted my eyes at him, he did it right back at me.
we awkwardly shook hands, as i was about to turn away, he gripped my wrist quickly.

"your bag"
he said with annoyance.

"my bag..?.. OH- i have left it insid-"
before i finished my sentence he picked up the bag from the ground and hung it around my shoulder.

i looked at the bag, then at him still holding my arm and then at his eyes,
i said awkwardly.
i was growing embarrassed due to the others watching and just basically grinning at us and laughing.

he let go of my arm and looked away, without even saying a proper goodbye.. he just walked away!

can you believe that?? what an annoying idiot!
i thought to myself.

price put a hand on my shoulder.
"its time to leave"
and so i nodded and followed him into the chopper.

"you're going with me sir?"

"yes me and laswell have some business to discuss"

i nodded and settled myself in the seats of the chopper, i waved at everyone one last time as a goodbye, excet for that little prick ghost, and left off in the sky together with price and the pilot.

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now