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ill try updating faster yall,🙏😔


i have suffered a lot of injuries from the training, like muscle pain, small bruises and little cuts even.
but the day has finally come.
where i will be tested to see if ill
be able to join tf141.

to say the least, im quite proud of myself, but also definitely excited.
our drill instructor Ames woke us up extra early to prepare a bit, and to warm up, stretch
our muscles and such.
today i cannot mess up, because if i will i might loose my spot.

i hope everyone will go through and pass these tests.

except for that childish woman mia or whatever her name was.

i already grew annoyed at the thought of her, but whatever í shouldn't think about her, i should focus more on warming up and passing this test.

we had to go through tests like going into gas chambers, and showing that we could put on our gas masks properly, and then we had to take our masks off and so they did a little contest on who would last longest.. and surprise surprise.. it was no other then Igor himself..
right after i walked out a couple seconds passed and he walked out too.

after that we would walk around flapping our arms up and down so that the excessive gas that was still in our clothes would get out.

some of us had teary eyes and snotty noses while saliva was running down their chins by a lot, when some where just fine.

the second test was where we had to work in teams, bomb defusing.

me and that girl mia or whatever her name was, were partnered up, but all the snarky comments and remarks she made i had ignored and just did the job on my own.

i successfully defused the bomb, even with that woman as my partner.

our other task was to then go escape out of the building while shooting at the terrorists and avoiding the innocent civilians, they were all like those hitting targets that randomly popped up while me and that woman who was behind me were running and shooting.

that went quite well, we were first to finish too.
which was a surprise.
what surprised me even more was that Igor ended last.
i went up to him laughing how he ended last, but he just shrugged it off ruffling my hair, which ended up annoying me.
then he just ended up laughing instead and i sighed.

"stop ruffling my hair igor, im not a child anymore."

"heh.. sorry dove, no can do."
he just grinned as we were walking behind everyone else to the next area for the third task.

naomi passed by a lot, although she had some flaws she did quite well actually, i mean this wasn't her first time training as she has been through quite a lot already.

the next day, naomi and her team partners and a bunch of other people were standing in a big hall.
everyones drill instructor was their too, for every team they had one, and they were pinning their badge, for the person who passed.
and with a lot of stress and suspense, i got mine too.
the two other girls and one other guy didn't pass, but oh well that wasnt my problem anymore.

i looked over at Igor with a ginormous smile on my face, he passed aswell.. as expected honestly.
the moment this man gets fixated on something.. you know he will achieve it.

i get to the shower rooms, a bunch of women we're already showering there. luckily they let the women go shower first today.
so i took off my clothes and stepped inside, washing all the sweat and dirt off of my body, as i turn on the cold water my muscles tense up a bit first but then relax under the cold water as i get used to it.
this makes me feel alive somehow, im not sure how longer ill hold on doing this.
but i hope he won't try to come and find me.
(you will get this bit in the future dear reader)

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now