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!!!!!🎀!!!people getting drunk!!!🎀!!!

!!!!!🎀!!!people getting drunk!!!🎀!!!

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my rough sketch of ghost?☺️🤷‍♀️🤭


i already hear them conversing laughing and probably already drinking..

is naomi even allowed to drink?
i open my eyes quickly stand up and get back to the kitchen.

i go straight up to her and then pull her away from the alchohol.
pulling her in the next room from where i was before.

"are you even allowed to drink alcohol?"
i say as i remove the cup from her hand.

"what-! hey, that's mine"
she says while trying to get it back it back.
she almost succeeded.
i scowl, but then i quickly down the drink and give her the cup, she takes it and just looks at me in annoyance.

"answer my question, and then i might reconsider you drinking."
she just scoffed while rolling her eyes, looking away from me.

that irked me.
i grab her face, making her look at me as i lower myself to be on her eye level.

"answer me."
i say lowly.
her face just flushes a slight color of pink.

"yes- yes of course i can drink, im russian.. you think this is my first time or something."
she stammers.

"i don't care what your ethnicity is, woman."

i sigh.
"im asking about your age."

she just lifts a brow.

"do i look like a kid or something to you??"
she asked in an offended tone.

"no, but you certainly act like one."
like a troubled teen.
she just frowned and tried slapping me but i held her hand by catching it.

"answer, or im locking you up in your room."
she made a shocked face, cute.

"so whats it gonna be, telling your age or me locking you up?"
i ask, looking her in her eyes.

she stays quiet for a bit.

then finally decided to answer.

"im 21."
she said.
i guess that's the legal age of drinking here.
i let her go, and push her back into the kitchen.
she just looked at me, sticking up her middle finger and leaving.

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now