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wsp guys,

idk the artists of this but, credits to them!(if yk pls tell me so yuh)

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idk the artists of this but, credits to them!
(if yk pls tell me so yuh)


i hope this chapter will make sense😢

anyways let's move on with the story shall we?


i was finally back in my assigned room, the others were still in the shower rooms but i was already finished.

then i suddenly remembered.. the letter! i shoved it in my pocket before..
i put my hand in my pocket and see if i still have the envelope.. i panic when i feel nothing.. so i quickly check my other pocket and immediately calm down when i feel the crumbled up paper.

i reach out for it and take it out of my pocket.

i slowly open the envelope, and see a letter inside of it and.. a singular rose petal?


why would there be a singular rose petal..?
i wondered to myself.

there was no name on it no nothing.
guess the person likes to be anonymous huh?

i start reading the letter, the handwriting is quite neat, and slightly cursive.. there was one ink smudge.. funny.

You work on my nerves child.

although you might seem quite smart and even if you learn fast, ill still have my eye on you.

did you know that you do get on my nerves for every little thing you do? naomi.

i might not know you for long, but i see that mischievous glint in your eyes.
i was like that too once.

you are cute though, id give you that.

good luck then, with your training.

Simon R.

i stared at the letter for another split second, until the doors of the room bust open and i jump, i quickly shove the note back into my pocket.
it was Igor and that one girl.. what was her name again..?
ah well whatever her name was.. that girl was annoying poor igor.

i atare at the floor and think about what ghost wrote in that letter.. it was unexpected, thats for sure.
halfway through it didn't even make sense.
i get on his nerves for every little thing i do?
jeez, i guess i must be on his mind pretty often then.
i smiled to myself.
igor suddenly stood infront of me.
"why so happy Nao?"
my eyes widened, and i got embarrassed suddenly.
"dont use that nickname on me!"
i quickly stood up, igor placed his hand above my head just as i was about to hit the edge of the bunkbed.
basically saving my head from the pain.

he just chuckled, and ruffled my hair.
"what cant i?"
he smirked.

i said quickly.
"cmon igor.. you used to call me that as a kid.. were all grown up now."

"ah fine, whatever the lady wants she gets i suppose"
he sighed dramatically before laughing.

then the girl that i forgot the name of butted in.

"ah-! igor.. stop giving her attention.. i want some too~"
she pouted.
is this bitch a pick me? oh well not my problem.
i just looked at this grown women blankly.

i wonder what face shed make if i were to suddenly throw a chair at her from across the room and it would go in slow motion and some classical music would start playing.

"naomi.. are you there?"
i suddenly snapped put of it, damn i must be that tired i zoned out.
i quickly blinked and nodded.

"ughhh igor stop ignoring meee-!"
the girl said.

suddenly igor said, looking at her with the calmest look that he had on his face ever..
oops.. hes quite annoyed i can tell.

im not sure if she realises that.

i sigh.
and the girl.. mea? moe? oh wait mia right.

she just squeaks and giggles and hugs Igor's arm.
he sighed but didn't push her off, he just looked at me apologetically as if he just murdered somebody.
i just smile and shake my head.
then the others walk in.
and mia quickly lets go, and goes over to the other women.
igor looked at the guys, then back at me.
"goodnight, love"
he whispered.
i mouthed back.
i quickly took put the crumpled letter and put it in my bag, i layed down and closed my eyes.
i still heard some whispers but.. soon enough i fell asleep.

simon pov,
it's quiet.
was it always like this..? of course it was.. it just looked more.. lively with her, she really brought the colors with her to this blank base huh..
what in the actual fucks sake am i even thinking.

get it together simon.
i sighed in frustration while shaking my head.

everyone was preparing to abandon the base, and we were going to be moving to a new location since there we will be having a mission.. but we will have to settle in first and plan everything through.
what a pain in the ass.

my thoughts started wondering back to that brat.
did she receive my letter?
maybe í should've said something else in there.. or maybe i shouldn't have send one at all.

oh what the fuck.

since when do i even care.
not like it matters.

she probably won't pass..
what am i saying.. she's definitely going to pass through.. im sure that next month she will be here, shining like the fuckin' happy lil ol' sunshine she is.

i grumbled under my breath, this annoys me.
she annoys me.
i sigh again.
with the spirit she has within her she will definitely pass..

but oh how i hope she won't.
she might be strong but this place is not for her.
she should be at home.. does she even have one?
shit probably not.
poor kid... how fucking annoying.

she never told us even anything if she has a family she can go to, or a safe place.

not that i care.

suddenly soap and roach come into my room.
"ready to go ghostman?"
roach says grinning.

i just shot them a look, before giving them a thumbs up.
i stood up and grabbed my things.
im a simple man, i dont need to take much with me.. unlike some of us here.
i looked at gaz while mentally face palming.

we all soon stepped on the chopper, and then soon left off.
off to the new base, heard it was bigger and all.

i soon close my eyes to rest them.
this wont be a long journey.

soon enough, i end up thinking back about the brat.
she keeps enetering my mind..
this little witch.
did she use witchcraft on me or something??
how annoying.
this brat i swear.

i sigh, and fumble my brows together.
i man spread my legs apart, and sit more comfortably.

more images of the brat started popping up in my head.

i tried thinking of something else but it was no use.

i just sighed and opened my eyes.
this has no use either way.
might as well just stay awake.

im frustrated and annoyed.
pent up frustration.
might as well deal with it later.
i said thinking of some solution on how to release all of this.
sorry for any spelling mistakes btw😅

Simon 'Ghost' Riley 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now