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Adrik and I arrived in Chicago for the fucking engagement party of his little obsession and Alberto Conti

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Adrik and I arrived in Chicago for the fucking engagement party of his little obsession and Alberto Conti. I swear, if I don't argue or talk sense into this man, he'd be dead already. Don't get me wrong, Adrik can hold one for himself, but when he doesn't think things through, like leaving Russia for Italy to spy on a woman-not any woman, but one promised to another man.

I swear, he never learns after he went mad over the first one. One look, and he went for seconds like he is tonight as I hacked into the security cameras to save his ass as always. I barely knew who Adrik Mikhailov was until he sneaked into my bedroom on my twenty-third birthday. Two years after that, he returned to Moscow, and surprisingly, he took me as his right-hand man.

I've worked my ass off to earn his trust, even tonight and doing all the fucked up hacking and inviting ourselves to parties that could get us killed. I won't let a woman I don't know and have never seen destroy me. I've seen her twin, and she could still be different. I won't let another woman destroy this man either because I'll kill both of them myself. He's grown on me for me to let him waste his life.

I don't get what this man sees in Giulia Caruso. He comes talking about how he will borrow her and return her- You can't borrow somebody! He could kill her for all I care, but fuck! That cleaning up will take me days. There are footages to delete from Alberto's house, the fucking airport, and I've got to wipe the damn machines from his planes information.

That's a fucking piece of work when not one but two or more mafias dig into that shit. Results will come up sooner than expected, and fuck! I need a drink. I'm getting angry, and not spotting the fucker doesn't do a damn thing to ease my nerves. He went without protection, and I wanted to punch him for acting stupid.

He'd just kill me for real if I did that. Five years did him no justice because he is grumpier, his blood lust more evident and impassive. Beneath all these layers, Adrik is a good man. Yelena raised us, hence why I smile a day or two. Sometimes, I don't feel like it, but questions will arise, and I don't want to answer them.

Fuck, I'm trying to let go of my past, but I needed Fyodor dead. Once that man dies, everything about him will, and I'll finally live my life the way I wanted to. Hell, I've even taken up a whore at the strip club, and fuck if she can handle me. I think she plays along for the money, and that's that. We don't force anyone to work for us, but I've held back for years on fucking.

I don't like the feel of a woman's touch on my body. I don't fucking allow her to see me either, so I tie her up, whip her and fuck her hard. Fuck, that's all kinds of wrong, isn't it? But they beg for more, and I question if they're lying. I needed to get my fill after years lost, and the anger Adrik makes me feel for his stupid actions.

"Learn to stay away from the window, Miss Caruso." Sasha growls. That fucker annoys me to the ends of the world. It took him less than two years to earn Adrik's trust, and I've known him longer than the fucker. Hell, I still try to keep that trust in my twenty-eight years.

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