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It was a difficult choice between going with my laptop or crushing it

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It was a difficult choice between going with my laptop or crushing it. I did the latter. I recorded a video and set it up so that it would show up on Marco's laptop when he found out. The phone he gave me? It's also gone, but hed have difficulty tracking me down. He'd get multiple signals from across the world.

I can't stop crying. I've been a wrecked mess since morning, and I try hard to stop in front of the passengers on this plane. He's barely been available, and I think he is still upset with me leaving. He fucked me so roughly that day. He filled me repeatedly with his seed, and I allowed it. I needed that mark. I needed to keep that memory of him possessing me. It's all behind me now, and fuck if I like that.

I lied that morning, but I couldn't handle the guilt. I found a job at the thrift store and helped at fast food restaurants to wipe down tables and do the dishes. I earned money-enough to get by when I got to Mexico. Javier might allow me to eat as his captive, but I'm a woman with necessities.

"-welcomes you to Mexico City. The local time is one-twelve. For your safety and the safety-" I block out the pilot's voice as I wipe the tears off my face. I finish gulping my water to quench my sore throat before inhaling deeply. I feel the man's eyes on me before I slowly turn to watch him. Whatever he sees on my face makes him turn and keep his mouth shut.

Clara Aguilar is back.

I signed out at the terminals with the fake documents I made. A red wig sits on my head. I've got reading glasses over my eyes, baggy clothes on my body, and a fake beauty mark on my eyebrow. That new person's name is Kate Sullivan, and despite my eye colour, Marco won't find me. The majority of the population has brown eyes.

Javier said he would have a car ready for me. I wrap my coat tighter around my body before walking out of the airport and onto the road. "¿Quieres que te lleve?" A vehicle passes with a group of boys, and they burst into laughter.

Welcome to Mexico.

I'd have cursed them, but it wasn't worth the time. My mind was on one thing only-revenge-from one to the next. I needed a damn break. I needed a life. I stand there with no watch on my wrist, watching people leave and enter. The more I wait, the more vacant the place becomes. He is playing another game with me. He just couldn't help himself, could he?

My feet leave the ground, and I instinctively grab the bag around my throat. Don't cry, Clara. I'll suffocate if I let go. That man's grip is very tight, and I can't do anything from this angle except one risky thing. I twist my arm behind me, grab his biceps and lift my body. My legs go around his neck, and I flip us, hitting my back hard on the gravel. The air knocks out of me, but I squeeze my thighs tight, snapping his neck. I hiss at the sting in my shoulders since the first time in so long that I've turned my arms like that.

I fight for air as I frantically remove the bag from my head, gasping the fresh air around me. I could have broken my neck and shoulders doing that. I glance around and come face to face with four guns pointed at my face. I am still, not even breathing, watching each perro faldero. "Quiten sus armas de mi maldita cara porque los mataré a todos y cada uno de ustedes. Estoy desarmado pero puedo hacer el trabajo. No querrás hacer esperar a tu jefe." I gritted my teeth, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply.

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