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I told Marco I didn't want to come to this wedding, yet here I am in a stupid yellow dress and trying to smile whilst seeing her smile at her husband whilst having dinner

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I told Marco I didn't want to come to this wedding, yet here I am in a stupid yellow dress and trying to smile whilst seeing her smile at her husband whilst having dinner.

Adrik and Giulia got married. I did my part in congratulating her because what else should I have done? She is well off and in good hands.

It's ridiculous now that I think about it. One mafia princess meets the daughter of a cartel boss, and I expected that to go well. We've lived fucked up lives, and at least one got her happy ever after. I try not to think of it.

A cold wind gushes past my hair, the salty air filling my lungs. This yacht is expensive, and I know it because of the white, gold and size of it. I stepped outside to stare into the abyss of the glistening ocean. The moon hangs big and bright, shining the waters, and I wonder where Victoria is. I haven't seen her tonight or seen her since that dark day.

I learned my lesson the first time it happened. I learned not to ask about anyone. I have no doubts that Victoria is safe since Adrik is now in her sister's life. I've seen how he looks at Giulia, not letting her out of his sight. I guess it's just another story about two people forbidden to love. It ended up with more hurt, pain, truths and ignorance for some people. It ended up with a happy ever after for the two. I can't argue if that's how it had to be.

My job now is to reveal my secret to Marco, find Camilo and bring my daughter home. Marco. He is my home, and I need to get away from this fiasco to conversate with him.

Someone steps onto the deck, and my body grows tense when the waft of orange, jasmine and May rose wafts my nose-expensive. I knew who it was before she stepped to my side. I don't speak, thankful she wasn't facing the wind and the salty air replaced her expensive perfume.

I knew I would face the woman one day. After all, I killed her husband. My jaw ticks when she doesn't throw a fit. It's silent as fuck, minus the music inside the yacht.

I should have stayed inside where Marco could see me, but I needed the fresh air. Inside is noisy because Russians love their dancing, alcohol and singing.

"You're not going to apologise." Yelena states. It wasn't a question and thank fuck for that.

"You know why I did it." My mama's face appeared in my mind, and a stone built inside my throat whilst my eyes pricked. I closed my eyes and reminded myself of who I was.

"And tell me, was it worth it?"

"One hundred ti-"

"Would Anita want you to do that?" She interrupts me, and my head snaps to face her. "Did you feel the bliss of the revenge you desperately needed?" She looks calm, facing the ocean with her hands over the taffrail.

"No." My voice is strong, although I feel like crying. Yelena turns to me. "And do you want to know why?" I give her no time to respond as I continue. "It's because I was busy crying at losing another man. I thought how he'd hate me after baring his soul to me. He trusted me, and the p- killing the man who hurt him would never be a regret of mine."

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