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My heart is beating feverishly against my ribcage as I go over the plan in my head.

It's today-I'll kill Fyodor Mikhailov today. But what happens after that? Do I run? I have to, but I don't want to. Do I stay? I can't because he'll hurt her. What should I do? I twist my mother's ring on my finger. "I'll avenge you today, Mama, but what's about-" I take a deep breath and tip my head backwards to prevent the tears. "Him."

Marco Bortsov.

"He cared for me in those five weeks, Mama. No man has ever done it." I decide to lie on the wet grass and face the dark sky. It's so cold despite the coat on my body. It's windy, and I think it's a warning to step back. Then Mama's lifeless body appears in my mind. A sob escaped me.

"I've made a friend." I purse my lips and release a shuddering breath, the cold air forming a mist before me. "My first-ever friend and she has found the man she loves. Mama-" I cried, blocking my eyes with my wrist. "I'm scared." My body rocks from crying. "What if I love this man?"

"What if we met under different circumstances? What if Javier didn't ruin me for any other man? What if I'm not capable of commitment? What if it's not love at all?" I hated this-I do.

I never came back to him after I fled to the US. It's been two weeks. I miss him. I miss his touch when he tickled me, kissed my imperfections, and held me to sleep. He also looked at me like I was his most prized possession. I was until reality kicked in.

"He'll hate me. He'll hunt me down, Mama, and even kill me when he gets his hands on me, but Neva." Her giggle rang inside my head. Javier ensured he played his cards right. He made me hear what she sounded like. My baby didn't know who I was. What if that's how it should be? What if I'm not good enough? I won't ever be, won't I? "I can't let Javier kill her innocence because of me." I sniffled.

"I gave her up once because I had nothing. Now, Javier is using her against me. Should I give her up again after everything? Isn't it safer this way? When one evil man dies, another arises. That life isn't for her, but what if they keep coming for her?" I hit the damn ground, hoping it'll take my pain. "I don't know how to be a mother."

Christ, I'm letting it out after years. I'm just not enough. There's a strong wind and my phone rings. I picked it up, knowing who it was. "What do you want?"

"Is it done?"

"I was hoping you'd call and ask. Since you care so much-five thousand dollars. I want it when I land in the US."

"You can't go around making demands, Clara." I hear Neva's happy squeals but don't make the mistake of asking. She's safe-that's all that matters. Javier wouldn't hurt her-again. She will turn four on November twenty-ninth. I was eight.

"I want the money, Javier. I could turn away from all this and fight tooth and nail for that little girl. I'm not the only one wanting to kill that man for what he did to Mama. You want it, too." He is quiet on the line, and I know the ball is in my court. "Five thousand." I get off the ground, dusting my leggings.

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