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"Where are we?" I press my hands into binoculars on the cold window to stare outside the glass

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"Where are we?" I press my hands into binoculars on the cold window to stare outside the glass. It's pitch black, not a damn rustle of the tree-it's a silent night.

"A safe house."

"You brought me to Javier's fucking safe house?"

"I had to, or he'd hunt us down."

"I'll fucking kill you, Camilo. I killed every man on that property, and you took me to him?"

"I'm sorry." My heart drops to my fucking feet. Sorry? Saying sorry won't stop Javier's punishment. I planned on killing him when he returned.

"Are you? You'd better fucking be sorry after he finishes punishing me-if I'm alive."

"He won't kill you. Are you coming?"

"No. How many men are inside this place?" I speak, although I'm paying no attention to him. How will I escape?

"Double what was at the house." My head snapped to him. "We're already in this vehicle for longer than we should." Do I look like I gave a fuck? He'd punish me either way.

"I'll kill you."

"You've already said that." I hated that he was lighthearted about it. I hated nonchalant men-they're boring. Not that I fucking liked this pendejo getting off the vehicle. I hated Camilo for tricking me, yet I couldn't seem to fight him now.

It's called defeat.

"I'm not getting off that vehicle. Give me the keys."

"Don't be stupid, Clara. He'll find you in this country." He hissed.

"Not if Im careful."

"Your daughter is missing-" He starts with an accusing finger that tempts me to lurch forward and break it. "There's nothing to be careful about! He will find you. Do this the easy way and get out of the vehicle."

"I'll kill you." I stare into space, swallowing my fear down. Will he remove a finger? Will he cut me open? What will he do? Cut my hair off?

"You have to detain me." He looked at me like I was eating my shit. Javier knows I won't come here of my own free will. -Not that I fucking did. Camilo sucks in a deep breath. "You have my permission only this once to touch me."

"Dios, Clara. When you say it like-"

"Get whatever the fuck you need to do it." I snarled. I'm on the last straw now, fighting fucking tears. I tell myself I'm doing this for Neva. Everything I do now is for her.

Camilo finds a rope in the trunk and opens my door. "Behind your back or in front?"

I think of which is more uncomplicated, "My front." He trusses my wrists and yanks me towards the building. I don't complain about the sting from the rope and just let him drag me like a sack of sand.

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