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My laboured breaths are like ocean waves hitting rocks in the hot room. I'm sweating, the thin T-shirt sticking to my chest, and the throbbing in my heart intensifying by the minute as I peel my eyelids open. Did I say heart? I meant head, but both could work.

What time was it? It's funny how this is always a recurring question in thought or on my tongue during my stay in this bordello. Do you want to know what time it is? It's time to kill Javier Acosta for continuously taking my happiness. He caused me the worst pain with his brusque tongue and evil doings.

I sat against the wall, feeling every ache I made myself not regard for the first time. My heart hurts. Marco would have taken that pain away if I hadn't run. I'd be loved, cosy and safe in his arms if revenge hadn't blinded me. Love? Anita loved me, but what Marco and I had was infatuation. That didn't stop my hard heart from beating when he touched, kissed, and looked at me like I was the rarest jewel.

I wondered if they found that emerald halo in that room. I'd arrived in America a mess and missing one earring. I nearly lost my sanity for that one mistake. It's like everything I do is a mistake! I wasn't careful because Marco had invaded my mind, causing me to crumble to nothing.

Javier's men had played a part in keeping my whereabouts a damn secret. Marco would have found me already after all these months. He didn't, and that directed me to one evil man. Marco would help me find Neva if— Marco doesn't know about her. He'd feel disgusted with me for lying to him. He'd be disgusted for sleeping with a woman who birthed another man's daughter—the man she killed.

I wiped the tears off my face and sniffled. Marco would hate me and end my life with one bullet and spit on my corpse. He no doubt hates me for deceiving him. I loved every kiss and every touch, and meant every word I said when he showed me his scars. I love him. I love Marco Bortsov, and that played a part in my disappearing.

I feel guilty. I am a traitor, and that's a shame. I can't look him in the eyes, fearing what Id see there. I can't love a man who hates me. I'm not prepared for that revelation. I said I'd never think of him, but I did. I thought of him morning, afternoon and night. Did he think of me too? Maybe ways to kill you.

I pulled the sweater off my body and searched my pockets for the cell phone. I retrieve it, knowing this is a bad idea to begin with. These canny men will know I sent it. Marco will know I sent that picture. I have to do it because I won't be here to save Giulia when Camilo takes the girls away as we tear this place apart and find my daughter. Someone had to get her out because Enrique, being secret police, would get his hands on her before she even arrived at the airport.

I inhaled deeply. Send the picture, and get rid of the contact, not that it would stop Marco, but it will buy me time to flee. They would occupy themselves with Giulia, and I'd take the chance and slip from their fingers. What is she doing in Mexico? Adrik wouldn't dare hurt this woman with Javier s wrath. He wouldn't let another man lay his hands on Giulia either.

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