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"Did you get it?" I hissed as another batch of girls got dropped off in this building

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"Did you get it?" I hissed as another batch of girls got dropped off in this building. I fucking hated this. Every two weeks, a new set comes in to replace the death of many. I look at my list and the naked girls with their wrists bound before them. The fear and acceptance on their faces make me sick because I can't do anything yet. Hence why I am talking to the pendejo smoking a cigar, and he looks lost in the damn sky.

Twenty girls—ages seventeen to thirty, are lined according to height. The pickup truck closes shut, the metal of the door slamming and causing the women to jump. Some even cried, and I didn't let it get to me. I understand it's scary, and not everyone has been through what I did. These girls had ordinary jobs, boyfriends, friends, families and lives. Fuck, I doubt they can even go back to it after this place. I'm trying. I'm waiting for the perfect moment to hit.

"Miss Aguilar." I turn to that familiar voice. Enrique steps onto the soil with a zippo in his hand.

"¿Sí, señor Sánchez?" I tick off the necessary points on the clipboard, glancing at him when he remains quiet.

"How do I look in this suit? I bought it last week for thousands." My hand held the pen still, and I furrowed my brows, watching the man's body in his stupid suit. Why the fuck was he asking me?

"The brown suits your eyes." It's a damn lie. That suit is hideous. He grins, opening his arms to look down. "Why?"

"Wouldn't you want to take a husband after your daughter died?" My pulse quickened. Husband? Is he implying that I will be his wife? —Over my dead body.

"It's too soon. A husband isn't coming any time soon."

"What makes you say that? Neva died three weeks ago, and I can give you more children." I bit my lip to stop my laugh. I feel Camilo's eyes on us as he gives the girls orders before taking them in.

"And I'm still grieving, but working helps. I'm busy, Mr Sanchez." He doesn't like my answer because he grips my arm. "I'll give you two seconds to keep your arm."

"You will marry me." He grins, taking his hands off just in time. "I can see through you and how fierce you are. I'll enjoy making you docile." He grabs his dick, and I spit on the ground near his feet. "Javier needs me, and he will cooperate."

"Is that a threat? Go to him then, Enrique. I've got work to do." I don't bother sparing that cerdo another glance, realising not all dogs that barked had to get a reaction out of me. I won't marry the man, so why waste my time on it? And we're fucking relatives.

I left the pig to eat his shit and entered the building. "Have you put them inside the bedroom?"

"Are you forgetting their shower?"

"Joder." I cursed, shoving the clipboard against his chest.

"You love touching me, don't you?" My molars grind, and I roll my eyes. "What did Enrique say to you?"

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