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The car door slammed, and I pressed my lips to stop the harsh breathing from leaving my mouth

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The car door slammed, and I pressed my lips to stop the harsh breathing from leaving my mouth. Have we arrived? I doubted it because no one spoke amongst themselves. It was eerily quiet with Adrik alone.

Why did he get out of the vehicle, though? I strain my ears to pick up the sounds from around the car. Was he running? I released a shuddering breath because it wasn't easy to breathe in a closed-up space. Maybe it was, but my fear of small spaces flared up. I always handle those, and tonight won't make a difference. I tell myself it's for the better that I am here, and I've got Anita's ring for strength.

I don't know how long it has been until I hear feet against dried leaves and a curse. "Where the fuck is Adrik, and why is the damn car locked?" Marco groaned. He could have done this himself. So Marco took her? They got her. Fuck! Didn't she heed my warning?

"Why haven't you opened the car? She doesn't have a coat on." That's Archie? He doesn't have a British accent, but I don't know what it is. Why does he concern himself with her? Did he like Giulia? That hijo de puta was so full of himself, asking if she went around talking about him.

Marco doesn't respond, but there's back-and-forth movement, causing me to hold my breath.

"Couldn't let that cigarette wait?" Adrik is back, and my heart is beating vigorously in my ribcage. I could hear it in the small space, and it did nothing to ease my nerves. I'm sweaty, and my toes cramp in the shoes but could hold longer. I don't know how far the drive to the airport is, but I've got no choice but to listen to three idiots argue and stake a claim on Giulia.

You'd swear they didn't know which personality to choose, but that doesn't fool me. The bratva wasn't the most dangerous organisation for nothing. They're skilled men with guns, their bodies, words and minds. I only know one thing-these men were close. Otherwise, they'd have shot each other already.

We stop again, and I know its the airport. I can't even wipe the sweat off my palms. I have a gun but can't hold my own against three men. I'd be dead before I even think who I should eliminate first.

I'm lost in thought when I hear their footfalls retreating. I closed my eyes, accepting my fate and elbowed the roof. Death could await me outside this car, but I've come a long way to quit.

"Did that come from the hood of the car?" Well, fuck me. "It's almost midnight, boys." Was the plane leaving at midnight? What did that have to do with anything? My mind was racing, and I had to keep it together. There's a gunshot and a groan. "Can you people stop shooting me? I've already gotten a broken rib from Adrik's rifle."

"It won't be a broken rib next time." What was wrong with these men and their arguments? You'd swear they were- I scream when a loud bang echoed close to my ear. Who the fuck shot the lock? That bullet could have pierced the steel and killed me. Maybe I should have turned back when Adrik got out of that car. That was death escape number one, and I doubted I'd leave to see number two.

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