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She never tried to use the elevator again, and she sure as fuck kept ignoring me by sleeping in

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She never tried to use the elevator again, and she sure as fuck kept ignoring me by sleeping in.

I watch as Clara paces back and forth, biting her thumbnail. She looks beautiful today in my shirt. She can't wear maxi dresses in the apartment or pyjamas, or can she model the latter but just wanted to wear my shirt?

I fixed the bedroom yesterday but don't plan on returning to it. I can't do it without Clara. I need her in that bedroom with me when I return. I need her skin on mine, her hair on my chest, and her heart. I need her soul.

You don't love me. Oh, how wrong she was. My heart aches, and I hide it as I go about my day.

I hurt because she couldn't open up to me.

I hurt because I hurt her.

I hurt because I'm afraid there's nothing more for us.

And I have no fucking clue how to fix this. I clicked send on the security footage I got from the street cameras near the casino and sent it to Adrik. I don't watch them because Clara invades my damn concentration to work. Adrik is at home and can take a look at it himself. He doesn't know if I stayed at the club or made Ruslan drop me off.

I didn't make Ruslan do anything because I've got enough people who know about this damn penthouse.

I want to talk with Clara. She is lying on her back and staring at the ceiling. I'm so guilty for giving her that concussion that she can't watch television or do anything. I doubt she'd do anything because she doesn't feel welcome. I gave her space. The space she needed, but fuck that.

I pick the phone up and call Adrik. He picks up after five damn rings and groans. "Not all of us are single men without a fiance." I ignore him. That's great if he had a fiance who loved him. I don't need a reminder of what I could have had.

"You received the videos?"

"Let me open my email." I clenched my jaw because why the fuck did I call the man? "Yes. It's there. Have you told Clara about the wedding? That's three days from today." He sounds damn proud about it too.

"As if I need a reminder. I'm off for the evening." I ended the call, not waiting to hear his response. It would have been snarky, and I'd have cursed the fucker. I turn my monitors off but grab my phone, pulling up the feed on Clara.

My feet hit the polished floor as I inch closer to her, phone in hand and heart in throat.

Clara sits abruptly and listens, eyes watching the floor before she yanks the cover and slides beneath it. She settles her head onto the pillow, and I'm fucking angry. I'd laugh, but what is there to laugh about? It's not like I caught her doing something naughty. She was simply avoiding me.

I twist the doorknob and enter. I close it behind me and just watch Clara. Her chest moves with heavy pumps, and I open the door before closing it. She sighs in relief and turns on her back. That's when she saw me, and her eyes widened.

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