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"Marco?" I moaned, feeling his body on mine

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"Marco?" I moaned, feeling his body on mine. "What are you doing?" His hand was under my shirt, tweaking my nipples and rolling them between his fingers. "What time was it?"

"I want you, L'vitsa." His fingers trailed down my belly to my unclothed sex. I clenched because his deep voice was toe-curling. He pulls me back by the thighs and presses his cock into me. He is bare and hard.

"You're hard already? We just woke up."

He chuckles, "It's called morning boner, baby, and every man has it."

"I don't remember the last man-" He slaps my pussy and I cry out.

"What have I said?" He says through gritted teeth. For fucks sake, I forgot!

"It was a slip-up." He lifts my thigh and thrusts his cock against my clit. I tremble, gripping the sheets. "More. please." He shifted me so I was partly on my back with open legs.

Marco enters me roughly, and I whimper, feeling my clit expand. He grips my throat with the arm under my head and rubs my clit with the next.

Marco fucks me so hard, and like always, I don't have the words. He slaps my pussy three times, and I threaten to close my legs, crying as usual. "I'll kill this fucker! Answer. Me."

"W-what did y-you- Fuck!" I groaned. "What did you say?"

"Who is a greedy girl?" The pleasure he gives me is so unbearing.

"Me. I'm a greedy girl." He hums, rubbing faster on my swollen clit. "Marco!" I gasped.

"Yes, who's fucking this pretty cunt?" I squeeze him, and he hisses.

"You." He slaps my pussy again, and I try to push his hand away. Marco fucking me was so fucking euphoric, but that sex drive he had might just tear me apart. "You're fucking me, Marco."

"Say my name when you come, baby. Oh yes, you feel so good." He moans, and have I said it's the sexiest, filthiest and most arousing sound? It was, and I was close, fighting to breathe, but he made me focus on him between my legs.

"Marco," I tensed, the tips of my ears hot, my mouth open with a scream that didn't come out, and I was squeezing him like a vice, making it difficult for him to thrust deep.

He pulls out and spurts his cum on my mound, hissing in my ear. "You'd better hope your seed doesn't enter me, or else I'll kill you." I flew out of bed despite my weak legs and wiped his cum off me.

The bastard rests with his hands behind his head and his semi-hard cock mocking me in the face. I lick my lips. "Your pussy keeps creaming for me." He smirks.

"It could cream for any- Never mind!" I scoffed, matching inside the bathroom. "We're never sharing a bed again." And I meant it. The same way you meant for you two not to fuck? I released a breath.

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