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"What time do we leave?" Jorge climbs down the two steps that lead to his bedroom into mine

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"What time do we leave?" Jorge climbs down the two steps that lead to his bedroom into mine.

I sip on the bottled sugary drink and look up from the iPad. "I leave when it's time. You're not joining me."

"You're leaving me here alone?" It nearly looks like his eyes are ready to pop out of his sockets. "Clara—"

"Clara, nothing. I told you to stay at home."

"But you brought me with you."

"Because you would have done something stupidly, like follow me here."

"If you didn't know where you were going, then yes—"

"I'd have found out one way or the other."

"And that would have wasted more time. Now, you can't leave me here."

"I'm not babysitting you, Jorge."

"Look. You're pregnant, but I know how to aim and shoot."

"Many men knew how to aim and shoot and still ended up in ditches." He winced. "The answer is no," I said finally, and he knew it.

"I'll snitch—"

"Hope you enjoy that stitch after."

"I'm out to buy us dinner at Pizzeria Casa Azul." He grunts, and I look at the ancient clock on the wall.

"Thirty minutes—five to go, twenty for the pizza if it's not already cooked, and five to return. It's dark out, so you can have my number on the speed dial." It's not raining outside, or the windows aren't open, but I get chills.

"I'm eighteen—"

"Y te dije que tuvieras mi número en marcado rápido, Jorge. ¡O me escuchas o te quedas!" I scolded him. "Joder." My hands fly up. "¡Ya es bastante peligroso que te vayas de aquí sin mí y dije que no te cuidaría! ¡Así que escúchame! Por favor." I knew bringing him was a fucking bad idea. It 's safer to have him close than to not know he is here and just following me.

He sighs, "¡Vale!"

"Ocho menos cuarto." I time him and watch him pull out some coins and count them before putting them back in his pocket and fastening his jacket.

"I'll be fast. See you in a moment." I watch him leave before taking the earphones, plugging them into the iPad and turning the volume high.

I try to find a static until I hear Marco and Camilo's conversation. I play around with it until I get through. I grin, propping my legs beneath me and take the last gulps of my drink. Marco would flip if he saw me drinking this.

I heard him on the radio, and my heart fluttered. It's been more than twelve hours since I saw and tasted him. "The cameras in the back are already frozen. I'll cut off the—" His phone rings, and we're all silent. "Marta?" His tone comes out clipped, and my heart leaps in my throat.

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