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The heavy chains grate on the metal door, and a shiver runs down my spine

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The heavy chains grate on the metal door, and a shiver runs down my spine. I hated that sound, but unfortunately, I'd have to hear it nine times in three days when someone brought me food.

I stay staring at the ceiling even as it creaks open. I trace the wood patterns with my eyes, imagining it was my angel's face. My sweet Neva that they took from me. That's all I did, apart from crying. I don't have the voice to scream, fight or talk, not that I would. I promised to behave, and that's what I'm doing.

"Dios, Clara." I hear Camilo's voice, and my eyes pause on a burned abnormal spot above. My head turns slowly-instinctively to face him at the door. I peeked at what he was watching-los tamales y leche. "You need to eat."

"No tenía hambre." It's the truth. I ate lunch yesterday, and I couldn't stomach dinner. I was going mad inside a locked room with no windows and nothing to do but block out the sounds of girls screaming. Imagine just complying with getting raped and having no power to stop it. I've heard enough gunshots in this fucking room, and it only fueled the hate, anger and blood thirst running through my veins.

I don't know what the fuck that feels like, but I'd comply and talk myself into someone coming to save me. But it's never happened to me, and I can't imagine the need to die that these girls possess. What the fuck is wrong with Javier? That man is sick!

"Are you even listening?"

"Does it look like I was listening? You've got a brain, Cabrón! Use it." I gritted my teeth.

"I said you've got to eat and have a shower." My ears perked at the last word in his mouth. I haven't had a shower since that night he shot me. "How's your shoulder?"

I chuckled. "Place the food down, Cabrón. Y te vas." I inhaled deeply.

"YA znayu, chto ty planiruyesh' yego ubit'." My body stills, and I stop breathing. Camilo knew? Fuck! Did he snitch?

"No." I shrugged, wincing at the sting in my shoulder. I try to be still and not to feel anything because I only had the wound cleaned and fucking burnt to stop the bleeding. No stitches-nothing.

"Blin, yesli ya tebe poveryu. Verish' ili net, Klara, ya na tvoyey storone. YA tozhe ne proshu tebya doveryat' mne."

"No, as in, I don't understand you." It's a white lie. I'm not strong at speaking Russian and only picked up half of what he said. It's enough to understand.

"¡Qué mamada!" He hissed, and I chuckled. "Comes la comida." I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I don't hear him put the chains back on, but I wasn't stupid to just barge through that door. He'd put me out like a dog-Javier's words-or someone would even if I killed Camilo.

I climbed off the bed. I hated this place. It's revolting and a blood-sucking energy bitch. I go to the food-huevos rancheros and two wraps. It's what I had yesterday and the day before, and I wondered who cooked it. It's nice, and I eat it all. Was it smart? Maybe not, but I wouldn't starve myself and add to my misery.

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