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I get on the massive black jet and immediately get tackled by a woman who smells of sunflowers

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I get on the massive black jet and immediately get tackled by a woman who smells of sunflowers. I relax, dropping my weight because of how tired I am.

"Malyshka." Adrik sighs from behind me, and his wife just hugs me tighter.

"One moment," She sighs before pulling back and watching me as my mama once did. I'm older, but damn, she looks like the mother she is-so beautiful and concerned. She's glowing. I want that with my son since I never had it with my daughter.

"Mamita," My head snapped to the right, and I burst into tears.

"Angelita," I fell to my knees and hugged my daughter. I don't care that Adrik sees me vulnerable. I don't care that any of them do. Adrik may know my story, but a story is just a story. It's up to me to become the woman I want to be. "Mommy missed you."

"Where's Papa?" My breath caught in my throat, and now I'm balling my eyes out. "Why are you crying, Mamita? Is Papa alright?"

I nod. "Yes, baby. Papa will join us soon."

"Bien." She pulls back and wipes my eyes with her tiny fingers. "Yo te haré feliz."

"," I ask, smiling and getting up because she is persistent in showing me something.

We walk further into the expensive blue and gold cabin before Neva stops and grins, holding a drawing to me. "What's this baby?"

"Esos son mamita, papa, bisabuela, bisabuelo, apatito, bebe y yo." I bite my wobbly lip and sit down on the couch.

"It's beautiful, baby." I look at the six people in the painting and smile. "¿Quién es Apatito?"

"This little man." Marta pops up from the back door with a freshly showered blue-eyed boy who almost starts to cry, but she caresses his head and coos him. I eye her, speaking no words, telling her how sorry I am. "How are you? Are you hurt?"

"No." I swallow thickly. "I'm sorry."

"No. It's alright. Where's Marco?"

"He is coming."

"Mamita, can Apatito live with us?"

"If Marco is alright with it."

"He is. It's a secret." She whispers and grins before taking my hand. "Let's see the babies."

"The babies?"


"They're asleep, sweet girl." Giulia smiles, laying on her husband's shoulder. She frowns and looks at me. "Would you like anything to eat? There's clean clothes so you can shower." She gets up.

"Why is everyone here?"

"Not everyone is. Bisabuelo isn't."

"Neither is my son." Adrik gets up to pour himself a drink. What son?

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