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Giulia Caruso is an intriguing human being

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Giulia Caruso is an intriguing human being. I'd think women in the Mafia would be vile and full of shit, but she was so fucking sweet, reminding me of the little girl I was before the world stole her from me. She'd given me my first genuine smile in years, and I'd dropped it out of fear.

She saw it and didn't judge me with those glistening emerald eyes. I'd also trusted her with my first name. Fuck! Maybe I shouldn't have done that. It was dangerous, but Giulia was different. She'd apologise for bumping into me and comment on the breakfast the cooks prepared.

Her smile was the brightest I've seen on a broken person, and I pitied what awaited tonight. I feel so lost that I'd expect her to speak to me and realise what a fucking stupid idea that was. I was only here to do my job until that engagement party. I wasn't here to befriend anyone I wouldn't see after today.

I returned downstairs after that to wipe off a few glass ornates, and thank fuck the other maids were better this morning. The drug was only to get everyone sick to get into this house. Giulia's yellow-haired bodyguard was good at his job, too. I listened to the recording of him talking to the devil.

I found nothing on that man and wondered what his story was. I found something about Marco, but nothing on this one, the man Giulia calls best friend. Fuck! She was too good for a world of criminals and death. If she survives whatever Adrik plans to do with her, she'd better grow a backbone because this world will swallow her whole.

The Bratva do not want sweet smiles, bright eyes and a too-good personality. Fuck! They only downgrade their wives and act like the world revolves around them. Alberto Conti is no exception. That disgusting man would turn Giulia into a shell of a woman. They deserve nothing but painful deaths for thinking women are doormats.

"Hm. You're too pretty for that uniform." I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply.

"I don't think your opinion matters to me, sir."

"Sir? I'm not a sir." That yellow-haired boy had a personality. Shouldn't he be anywhere but invading my space?

"How charming."

"Your soft voice is charming." I winced because it's my only insecurity. I didn't once have a soft voice, but I got it when I saw what used to be my mother's head. Add Javier's torture methods to get me to scream, and you have no voice. "Ignoring me already?"

"And why is that a surprise? I'd expect all women to ignore you and that ego."

"You wounded me," He twisted his body to eye the tag on my shirt. "Mrs Thomas." I grit my teeth, resisting the urge to choke him with the cloth in my hand. "Wanna tell me your first name?"

"The only thing I want to tell you, sir, is fuck off." I scowled, placing the glass down and walking away. His chuckles followed me into the kitchen, and I wondered how the fuck Adrik dealt with this man. He should worry about whoever he is running from, but my first name.

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