[12] Hypothermia

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𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭 𝐃𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚

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𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭 𝐃𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚

Chugging down the bitter liquid down my throat, I slam the glass down on my wooden desk and run my fingers through my hair. Today marks the seventh fucking day of Sirena in the basement. Each day I am going crazy without being able to see her beautiful face or hear her angelic voice. I wanted nothing but to just pull her out of that fucking cold basement and hug her tightly.

But I didn't do that. Her disobedience and defiance towards me made me not do it. The amout of rage I felt when she called me a fucking monster really broke the thin line of patience I so desperately held onto for her sake. The last time someone called me a monster faced a brutal death. No one dared to repeat that history until Sirena.

She is lucky I love her and am being so lenient with her. If it was someone else in her place, I would have made sure there would be a bullet between their eyes by the end of the day.

But still despite everything, today I will end her punishment since it has been a week already. I didn't necessarily go down to check on her because I know if I did, I would either lose my temper or feel bad and end her punishment.

Making up my mind on bringing her back, I stand and hastily slung my black blazer over my shoulders. Today the weather is a bit chilly giving how it has been raining since morning. Checking my watch and seeing it is almost afternoon, I make my way outside my office room where I usually have been spending my nights working. Sirena's absence made me hate my own fucking bedroom. It makes me miss her more.

I was greeted by some of my men with bows as they made scattered away fearfully so I could walk out. All the staffs of the mansion are walking on fucking eggshells recently due to my short temper and frustrations.

The elevator transported me downstairs as I walk inside the dark basement. Why is it so fucking cold here? It is probably because of the weather.

I intentionally turned off all the lights since Sirena has a phobia of darkness. This is will scare her into submission, I hope.

The room had a reeking smell of blood, dampness and smoke which was a pretty fucked up combination. Finally after finding the switchboard, I turn on the lights and let the scene infront of me sink in.

There she was, on her fucking knees with her head casted low and her black hair creating a curtain around. Her arms, legs and wrists were chained against the wall tightly. She looked so small and frail.

Ignoring my aching heart, I kneel infront of her and slowly lift her head up by the chin gently.

To my surprise, her skin was extremely cold. So cold it could almost compete with ice. Her face was ghostly pale with dark eye bags embracing her eyes. Her cheekbones were visible and lips were slightly blue coloured.

Frowning, I quickly took her wrist in my hand and begin to check her pulse. Something isn't right. Her body is too cold and breathing is too shallow. She isn't getting hypothermia, is she?

"Fucking hell." I mutter under my breath while my heart beat increased. Her pulse is barely there and breathing is getting shallow. She looks like a corpse.

Wasting no more time, I open her cuffs and chains. My heart clenched when I saw the bloodied bruises adorning her legs, arms and wrists. This hurt her like a bitch, I just know it.

I swiftly pick her up in my arms with my one arm under her thighs and the other under her upper back. My heart skipped a beat at how light she felt. I am a fucking asshole for starving her like this for a week.

Racing out of the basement, I ignore all the questionable looks that I get from my men and maids. I know I could have just take her to my infirmary but unfortunately today just had to be the fucking day when all the female doctors took a day off. And no way in hell was I gonna let a man touch her. I am the only man who gets to touch her.

Waltzing inside the garage, I place her inside my black Ferrari 488 Pista's passenger seat and fucking run to the other side to get in. The car roars back to life as we dash out of the De Luca residence.

I kept on checking her to see if her breathing and pulse was okay but it was getting weaker by the second

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I kept on checking her to see if her breathing and pulse was okay but it was getting weaker by the second. I was driving like a mad man now while my hands shook a little. This is so unlikely of me. Me, Elliott De Luca, is fucking terrified today. I never once in my life got scared. Not when I killed the Czech Mafia Leader or when my brother got kidnapped. Never.

Pulling up infront of my private hospital 'De Luca Hospital', I dash inside with Sirena in my arms and yell out to the doctors.

People stop whatever the fuck they were doing and bow their head at me in fear

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People stop whatever the fuck they were doing and bow their head at me in fear. The doctors rush towards the
e with fear written on their face as I yell, "She is getting hypothermia! Treat her quickly or else I swear to God I will kill you all!" Seeing my raging expression, they roll out a stretcher as I gently lay Sirena on it. Kissing her forehead, I whisper softly, "You will be fine, love. Please hold on. I love you so fucking much."

After a shit ton of arguing about how I can't go inside with her, I finally give up and watch as they roll her into the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). The doctors were quite panicked and were whispering among themselves about how her condition is critical. That shit did not help my already racing thoughts and heart at all as I pull out a cigarette and take a long drag. Smoking is how I cope up with stress.

I am feeling so fucking guilty now because of all the things I did to my girlfriend. I was suppose to protect her, love her. But what did I do? I fucking starving her and locked her up in a dark basement for a week long. Someone must have lowered the temperature of the basement because it was okay the last time I checked. She got fucking hypothermia for that shit.

Punching the wall beside me as a crack forms there, I just pray to God that nothing happens to Sirena. I won't be able to live with myself if something happens to her because of me. She is my oxygen, my reason of survival. I will never let her go.


Elliott is so bipolar istg..

Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote! Ya'll know how much I appreciate that ;)

I love you my beautiful and handsome munchkins! Stay safe and healthy <3

Have a great day/night 💋

[Word Count : 1208]

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