[22] Hermés Achilleos

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𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭 𝐃𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚

I ran a hand through my hair, letting out a string of curses as I replayed the video again. It can fucking not be possible.
Hermés Achilleos, the Don of the Greek Mafia is alive. Years ago, the Spanish Don made an alliance with me and we both merged our men together and started a war with the Greek Mafia, efficiently erasing their whole existence. So how the fuck is it possible?

Not only that, the man that killed himself infront of Sirena yesterday is one of Hérmes' men. My blood boiled when I read what that fucking bastard wrote on the windshield before dying. He is openly threatening to kidnap Sirena. Like the fuck I would I ever let that happen. They have to first touch me before even daring to breathe the same air as her.

By the time I had opened the car door, Sirena had already fainted with tears staining her beautiful face. I drove home like a madman and called the doctor right away. I was worried as fuck when the doctor said it will take her a couple of hours before she woke up.

My poor baby was absolutely terrified when she woke up. Her hands were shaking and she was struggling to breathe. I know how much the death of that fucking shit must have traumatised her. So, I ordered the doctor to put her on sleeping pills. They worked and now she is sleeping peacefully.

A sudden knock broke me out of my thoughts as I replied, "Come in."

"Sir." Enzo nods at me before handing me a envelope. I raised my eyebrow at him, silently asking who gave it to me. "Sir, this envelope was given in your official mail box. It is mentioned on the envelope that is from Greece." Enzo hesitantly informs, fearing I might explode again. I have been doing that a lot since yesterday which is why all my staffs are walking on fucking eggshells around me.

"I see." I murmerd, opening the envelope. What I saw inside made me want to burn everyone alive.

There were many pictures of Sirena including the time when we went on a walk in the park, our first date, her shopping in the mall with me and working in the bakery. Hell, there was even a writting at the bottom saying,

'Be careful, Elliott. You never know when your beloved girlfriend goes missing. I would love to have my doll back.'

"What the fuck?" I harshly cursed under my breathe and stood up abruptly, startling Enzo who had his eyes on the floor this whole time.

"Yes, sir?"

"Listen, increase the security around the mansion. Ensure there is atleast 10 guards in each corner and do fucking not let anyone enter without my permission, not even a bird or even an insect. Sono chiaro?" I say while clenching my jaw. (Am I clear?)

"Si, capo." Enzo replies right away and leaves after I dismiss him. (Yes, boss.)

"Just wait until I get my hands on you, Hermés. I will fucking skin you alive and feed you to my piranhas." I mutter while glaring at the envelope in my hand.

I take out a lighter before setting the envelope on fire, watching it turn into ashes. I will kill him this way, I will make sure of it.

I stand up and hung the blazer over my shoulders while watching the weather from my glass windows. It was raining and thundering angrily, matching my current mood.

I walk out of my office and into my bedroom, glancing at my watch time to time. Sirena should be up by now.

When I entered the room, the first thing I heard was sniffles.  The room was completely dark with a bit of light coming through the windows.

"Sirena?" I called out softly, not wanting to scare her. She wasn't on the bed nor in the bathroom, making my heart race. Where is she?

"Love, please come out. I promise I won't do any- oh, there you are." I finished with a sigh of relief, spotting her on the floor against the bed, sitting.

I silently kneeled infront of her and ran my fingers through her hair. She was hugging her knees with her head tucked in between. My heart broke when I heard her quiet sobs.

"Baby? Please don't cry. It's okay, I am here with you. I won't let anything happen to you." I whispered in her ear and lifted her head up gently. Her face was flushed red with her eyes filled with tears. Her lips wobbled as she tried to say something but failed when a sob escaped.

I quickly pulled her over my lap and wrapped my arms around her small waist. I let out a sigh of content when her sweet, vanilla scented invaded my senses. She smelled fucking heavenly.

I slowly rub her back and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, expecting her to push me away. But I was surprised when she made no effort to do so instead, leaned against my chest more and nuzzled her face into my neck.

"Calm down, love." I kissed her head and said. Her tears were wetting my neck but did I care? No because atleast she didn't push me away. That is some fucking progress right there.

"He will g-get me, Elliott. And this time he will beat me to death. Please save me." Sirena whimpers out suddenly, making me freeze at her words. Who is she talking about?

"Who are you talking about, love?" I ask her gently and pull her away from my embrace, moving the hair that was scattered over her face. Even while crying she looked absolutely divine. "No one can hurt you, I will protect you with my life."

Sirena didn't reply instead she leaned against my chest while breathing heavily. Her hands were fisting my shirt as she kept mumbling, "He will kill me." Again and again.

Who is she talking about? And why does she look so scared? I think there is more to this ordeal than I think. Sirena has a secret which she is refusing to tell me. I just hope she doesn't have any connection with Hermés Achilleos. That man is fucking brutal.

𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐬

Hermés Achilleos, my uncle, is back for me and this time he will kill me. I am sure of that.

When I saw that note of his calling me 'doll', all the fear and pain that I had suppressed within me throughout these years resurfaced again. I still remember how his friends used to call me 'doll' while having their fun.

"I had left your pads on the bathroom's counter, did you get them?" Elliott asks suddenly while rubbing the back of his neck.

I was too traumatised to get embarrassed of his words so I just simply nodded and leaned against his warm chest. I don't know why his embrace is feeling so safe and warm. I am probably going crazy.

Just as Elliott was about to get up, I surprised the both of us by holding his hand tightly and whispering, "Stay."

Elliott gave me a nod and picked me up before laying us on the bed. He pulled the blankets over us and wrapped his arms tightly around me waist as if someone would take me away from him.

"I love you." His deep voice resonated into my ear, making me shut my eyes close. He just had to ruin the moment by being lovey dovey, didn't he?

Not replying to his absurd confession, I simply just held his shirt in my fist and forced myself to sleep.

No matter how much I hate Elliott, I knew that he would never let anyone harm me. Atleast that is what I understood by observing his obsessive and possessive behaviour.

I just hope my uncle doesn't get me. I don't think I will be able to survive he does gets me this time.


Looks like Sirena's past is catching up with her 👀

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote :)

Stay healthy & safe, byeee <3

[ Word Count : 1372 ]

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