[7] His Home

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𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐬

I slowly peeled my eyes open, only to shut them close again when a piercing pain shoots through my head.

Did I get hit by a truck or what?

After some moments, I open my eyes again, expecting to see my cozy room. Perhaps all of that was a dream where Elliott was acting like a crazy man. Elliott is a total gentleman, he wouldn't do all that.

My thoughts were proved wrong when I saw I was in an unfamiliar, huge room. By huge I mean huge. It was probably the same size of my apartment.

My breathing got uneven and heart beat accelerated when I realized it wasn't a dream I saw last night. It was real. Agonisingly real.

Elliott kidnapped me after I rejected him.

I yanked the blanket out of my body and sighed in relief when saw my dress was there. However the relief was short lived when I heard loud footsteps outside the door.

I jumped out of the bed and was about to run but my vision got dark suddenly, probably because that bastard drugged me. I fell on the floor and clutched my head tightly in pain.

As the door opened, an intoxicating smell of woods and forest embraced the room. My body started shaking when I realized it was him. Elliott was here.

I felt his eyes boring into mine as he rushed towards me. He looked worried, contradicting his usual emotionless face.

"Fuck! Sirena, are you okay?" His face etched with worry and voice as deep as the ocean. Fake worry, I guess.

He was about to grab my arm but I instantly pushed myself back against the wall in fear and screamed, "Stop! D-don't come near me!"

His green eyes darkened and anger was clear in them. He paid no heed to my fear and grabbed my arm in a firm grip.

I flinches hard and screamed again. Tears streamed down my face as my body started shaking badly. It felt like a heavy rock was on my chest, restricted me from breathing. Oh no, this is not the time for a panic attack.

Elliott pulled me up and slammed me again his chest. He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist and tightened his hold. I was loudly crying and breathing heavily when he tightened his hold around me more. I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down but it didn't work, not when he was holding me so close.

"Elliott, let go of me!" I said in between my futile struggles. I was panicking badly when I noticed the our close proximity. My chest hurt from the irregular breathing.

My mind started racing with the worst possibilities when he suddenly dipped his face into the crook of my neck and rubbed his nose against my skin. He inhaled my scent and closed his eyes blissfully as if I was a drug who he got aimlessly addicted to. He is such a creep.

"You smell so fucking good, my love. I want nothing but to just ravish you like my last meal." He muttered against my neck in a deep voice. My eyes widened in fear and sobbings got louder. I felt like I was getting a heart attack.

I shuddered in fear and placed my hands on his broad chest to create some distance between us.

"Yo-you are being crazy right now, E-elliott. Th-this isn't right. L-let me go ri-right now or else-" I got interrupted by his loud, deep laughter as he finally let me go and stepped back from me.

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