Chapter 2: Painted Disaster

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Annalise walked into art class in the outfit that the kind girl from the bathroom gave her, with the sleeves of the hoodie over her hands, she pulled out her chair and sat down. At her table of 3, there is Annalise, this blonde boy with blue glasses and green painted nails and one of Jesse's little minions. Annalise glances at the boy and notices him sketching. She looks away so she doesn't seem like she is staring.

"Pull out your art folders and give me the projects that are due today please" Said Mrs. Davidson with a small, cracked voice, Mrs. Davidson was an old and frail woman with her white hair tied and pinned neatly in a low bun. She was a kind woman and another one of Annalise's favorite teachers. Annalise and most other students in the class pulled their art projects from their folders. The project was to do a self portrait. Annalise was a decent artist. She wasn't perfect but it was good enough. The blonde boy at her table however, was a perfectionist. All of his art looked like a photograph taken with a very expensive and very complex camera. He pulled out his self portrait and like all of his other art pieces it was amazing, down to every last freckle on his tanned face. Mrs. Davidson slowly walked around the class, collecting all the art projects and when she finally got to Annalise's table she smiled and took Annalise's art work, but her smile got that slight bit bigger when she saw the blonde boys self portrait.
"Very good, as always Benjamin" Mrs Davidson said with a smile and a nod. Her smile didn't last long as it dropped practically to the floor when she saw that Jesse's minion had an empty desk.
"Cassidy, dear...where *is* your art work?" She asked with a dissatisfied expression.
"Didn't do it, I was busy" Shrugged Cassidy in a half-hearted response.
"What? You didn't have an hour or two in six whole weeks?" Mrs. Davidson replied quickly, she clearly didn't believe Cassidy for a second.
Cassidy shrugged again.
"Ok dear I will give you one more week to do it but if you fail to complete it then you will have a detention and a text home" Mrs. Davidson added while waving her finger firmly at Cassidy. Then she let out a heavy sigh and walked away, Cassidy rolled her eyes at the teachers back.

About 25 minutes into the period, Annalise glances at the blonde boys sketch once again.
"What are you drawing?" Annalise finally works up the courage to say.
"Just Something made up" The boy shrugs.
"Well can I see?" Annalise asks and reaches out both her hands to the blonde boy. The blonde boy sighs and shows her the art. Annalise's eyes light up. The drawing is detailed and as always, very photographic. The blonde boy has drew a whimsical landscape of giant yellow mushrooms with white spots and a matching stem, twisted and contorted trees and blue-ish grass. There are also three figures drawn very small on the paper.
"What's that?" Annalise asks, poking at the three weird figures.

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