Chapter 10: Strength in numbers right?

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"I think we're pretty close because we're already in a wooded area anyway" Annalise says.
"Yeah one of the hundreds of wooded areas in this place" Bernadette adds.
"Just have a little faith Bernadette!" Annalise has an annoyed face.
"fine. You're right. Sorry bunny" Bernadette smirks when Annalise rolls her eyes.
After another 10 minutes of driving, Benjamin hears a scream.
"Bernadette that way!" He yells from the outside of the car.
Bernadette swerves and drives over some bushes and looks up through the front windshield and sees Jesse hiding up a tree with a bunch of zombies down bellow.
"Well what do you know..." Annalise mutters. Bernadette kicks open the car door and grabs a hammer from the back of the car and takes the mallet out the loop of her trousers. Without another word she starts ducking under zombies jumping at her and hitting them in the throat, head, stomach, knocking legs off and kicking.

"We...should probably help her" Annalise says after watching for a second and grabbing a kitchen knife from the back of the car and getting into it, she's fighting less zombies than Bernadette but she can hold her own.
Benjamin reluctantly grabs Rake and hops off the back of the car. He knocks the head off of one of the zombies.
"Hey nice job- oh..." Annalise was about to praise Benjamin before he started throwing up at the sight of all the blood and body parts.
"Ugh, not a good look dude" Bernadette scoffs and drives her mallet through the last zombie, then grabbing a zipper out the truck and putting it on.
"What's that for?" Annalise asks.
"I'm cold" Bernadette says.
"Really? Im sweating. But oh well! Hey Jesse!" Annalise calls up to Jesse.
"Go away! I was perfectly fine!" Jesse yells.
"No you weren't now move it jackass" Bernadette answers quickly. Jesse clicks her tongue and climbs down from the tree, a little bruised up and dirty but apart from that completely fine.

"Jesse you know Benjamin, don't start being a bitch to him because his...I dunno, art magic helped us find your stupid ass" Bernadette points to Benjamin who was wiping his mouth on his sleeve. Jesse makes a disgusted face and nods slightly before climbing into the front seat of the car.
"Uh..actually Jesse, you gotta sit in the back, last people to join the group all gotta group in the back" Bernadette says, climbing into the drivers seat.
"No it's ok, I'll just sit in the back with Benjamin" Annalise says quickly.
"Are you sure?" Bernadette asks.
"Yea yea, it's fine" Annalise smiles and climbs into the back of the car.
"Good she still knows her place..." Jesse chuckles.
Bernadette smacks Jesse's head off the dashboard of the car and Jesse's eyebrow bleeds a little bit.
"OW BERNIE WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jesse shouts while holding her head.
"The entire state is in a goddamn apocalypse and Annalise has been nothing but nice to you pre and post apocalypse and the last thing we all need right now is your bitchy attitude, got it?" Bernadette says angrily.
Jesse nods and rubs her head with a sigh.
"Good" Bernadette starts driving.
Benjamin yells from the back of the car.
"So where are we all *actually* going??" He asks.
"Uhmm..It's getting dark so we'll probably want to find somewhere hidden to park so we can all sleep?" Annalise suggests.
Bernadette smiles.
"Sure bunny that's a good idea"
"Bunny?" Jesse scoffs.
"Is she your little bunny? Are you guys together? Is that why she's wearing your clothes?" Jesse laughs.
"No she's wearing my clothes because you and your little ugly minion poured soup down her back before half the school got exploded. I found her in the bathroom and gave her my P.E kit, because I always have to clean up your messes..." Bernadette explains.
"Mhm...totally, that explains why you call her bunny" jesse grins.
"It's just a stupid joke will you shut up?!" Bernadette stops the car and shoves Jesse.
"Jesus Bernie! Ok ok sorry, touchy subject clearly" jesse puts her hands up in defense and exhales while turning her head to look out the window.
Bernadette starts driving again. After an hour of driving, it's now dark outside and any street lights that aren't broken are now illuminated.

"Ok, this looks good" Bernadette parks outside an abandoned gas station. She opens the door and climbs out the car, turning to Annalise.
"I'll fuel up the car, you guys set up a little bed for yourselves ok?
Annalise and Benjamin both nod before looking around the back of the car.
"Y'know, I never thought I'd have to sleep next to weapons to kill zombies, with a random girl in my art class" Benjamin chuckles.
"Well I never thought I'd be in the middle of a zombie apocalypse with a random guy from my art class who seems to be able to tell the future, my bully and my bully's badass lesbian sister" Annalise smiles.
"Oh so you think Bernadette is badass huh?" Benjamin nudges Annalise and grins.
"Well did you see her today? She took out like 9 zombies in less than 10 minutes to save Jesse!" Annalise says and grabs some old sheets that the original owner must have left in the car.
"That's fair enough I guess" Benjamin nods and starts laying out some of the sheets. Benjamin and Annalise look to the side when they hear the car door open, Jesse stomps out the car and storms right up to Annalise.
"Ok look, I don't know what sort of weird gay girl magic hold you have on my sisters brain, but you better not think for a second! That bernie actually cares about you, there's just not that many people alive anymore so we'll all team up with whoever we can get, even if it's their dads fault that this all happened in the first place! That's the only reason I'm dealing with you, because you're one of only 4 people in our school that we know is still alive." Jesse says angrily and then walks over to Bernadette who is trying to work the gas machine.
Benjamin puts his hand on Annalise's shoulder.
"Annalise...are you okay?" He asks
Annalise blinks quickly a few times and nods.
"Mhm yeah, she's not wrong, we're all just trying to survive and it's strength in numbers right?"

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