Chapter 11: That was close

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Bernadette eventually figured out the gas machine, No thanks to Jesse, and pulled the hose over to the car. She started filling up the gas tank.
"Hey, that looks pretty good!" She says happily as she watches Benjamin and Annalise set out all the sheets to make a makeshift bed with a little roof held up by some propped up sticks.
"Thanks, it's not the most secure thing ever but I think it'll hold for at least one night" Benjamin says while hopping off the car.
Annalise hops off the car as well and smiles.
"Oh nice! You got the gas to work!" She says.
Bernadette chuckles.
"Yup no thanks to Jesse"

Jesse walks over with her arms folded.
"I'm hungry. Make yourself useful and cook something" she says and rolls her eyes and Annalise.
Bernadette's hand tightens around the gas hose.
"Both Annalise and Benjamin have been making themselves plenty useful. What have you done? Got us to save your ass and then strut around like queen of the fucking world?" Bernadette puts the gas hose back and shuts the gas tank of the car.
"Look Jesse the only reason I'm not forcing you to cook anything, is because you can't cook for shit" Bernadette walks over to the base of some trees and picks up sticks for a mini fire. Jesse scoffs and fixes her hair.
"Look at you're so happy, turning my sister against me and getting her on your side..tell me, what *else* did your dad put in that bomb?..surely that's how you've done it" Jesse smirks.
Benjamin snaps.
Jesse and Annalise both freeze for a second.
"Watch your mouth dipshit" Jesse bumps Benjamin with her shoulder and gets into the passenger seat of the car.
Annalise smiles and puts her hand on Benjamin's arm.
"Thanks for trying to defend me but it's ok, Jesse has bullied me since we were kids I'm used to it" She says calmly.
"But you shouldn't have to be used to it! Most of the state is dead and it's like she's trying to make the only non-zombie people shes in contact with hate her!" He yells.
"It's just..what she does, she gets under your skin" Annalise responds.
Bernadette has been within earshot of this whole conversation and clicks her tongue with furrowed eyebrows, feeling bad for both Benjamin and Annalise.

After eating some food, everyone gets in the car to go to sleep. Annalise and Benjamin in the back of the car, Bernadette and Jesse in the driver and passenger seats. Jesse is asleep with her head against the dashboard and Benjamin has also fallen asleep laying under the roof him and Annalise made. Bernadette sighs, Her and Annalise are unable to sleep. Bernadette slowly climbs out the car so she doesn't wake up everyone and starts walking away from the car.
"Where are you going?" Annalise whispers.
Bernadette, surprised that Annalise is still awake, turns around and sighs.
"I just can't sleep, I was gunna go on a walk"
Annalise jumps off the car and looks at Bernadette with a worried face.
"A walk? In the middle of the night in our zombie infested state, by yourself?" She asks.
Bernadette chuckles and shrugs with her hands on her hips.
"I've got my mallet on me, I'll be fine"
"Nu-uh, I'm coming with you" Annalise walks up to Bernadette and starts following her.
"Seriously bunny?" Bernadette asks.
"Yes seriously! You're going to get yourself killed" Annalise adds. Bernadette rolls her eyes with a slight smirk.
"I just don't think you can stand the thought of being away from me" Bernadette laughs.
"Oh shut up!" Annalise shoves Bernadette.
"Hey there Short-ass cool the temper" she says while stumbling slightly.
Annalise chuckles slightly but then her face drops a bit.
"Hey, what's up?" Bernadette asks.
"Nothing!" Annalise smiles.
Bernadette rolls her eyes.
"Fine, fine don't tell me, whatever, just don't let it bother you so much that you get yourself killed..what ever it is"
Bernadette and Annalise keep walking silently until they hear a scream.
"This is the one time when my sister and her dramatic screech is useful!" Bernadette says and then her and Annalise start bolting back to the car. They find a zombie trying to pull open the passenger side car door.

"Jesse!" Annalise yells and runs around the other side of the car and open the drivers side car door. Benjamin wakes up, jumps off the back of the car and runs to Annalise.
"C'mon Jesse!" Benjamin says while signaling for Jesse to escape out the driver door.
Bernadette grabs her Mallet and crashes it into the spine of the zombie, causing the zombie to let go of the car door, then Jesse let go of the inside of the car door and scrambled to climb out of the drivers side. She slides across the seats and jumps out the car as Bernadette smacks a hole into the back of the Zombies neck with her mallet. She puts the mallet away and clutches her wrist for a second.

"Phew that was close, You ok?" Benjamin asks Bernadette.
"Yea yea..I'm fine, let's just start driving away from here Hm?" She responds.
Everyone nods and climbs into the car.
Then they're all off once again.

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