Chapter 16: Jack-o-lantern eyes

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Archie looks at Bernadette.
"So...what's the deal with with you and the blonde girl?" He asks.
"You mean Annalise? There is no deal" Bernadette says. Archie shakes his head.
"C'mon Bernadette, I think we both know that you're into her, and I already don't like your sister but she is right, you like Annalise" he chuckles. Bernadette sighs.
"I mean I care about her but there's nothing going on" She says.
"You are because you're in loooove" Archie smirks, annalise punches Archie in the arm.
"Bitch Ow!" Archie flinches.
"Damn right, I'm gaining super powers so shut up" Bernadette nudges him. Archie rolls his eyes and laughs.
"You gotta tell her" He says.
"How would I even tell her anything? A zombie apocalypse isn't exactly the best setting ever" Bernadette says with her hands behind her head.
"It's totally a good setting! Middle of a zombie apocalypse, tension is high, everyone's brain is scrambled with all the possibilities of what could happen, we are trying to move states, Annalise will be happy to find out that she has someone else who cares about her so much, especially considering how mad she is at her dad right now"  Archie explains.
"Nu-uh, dude you're crazy, plus the fact that her mum died because of the bomb doesn't help the mood, she just lost her mum in the middle of an apocalypse" Bernadette shrugs.
"What! Oh my god, that's so sad, no wonder she's so pissed" Archie clicks his tongue. Bernadette nods and takes her zipper off with the sun blazing.
"Damn it's hot" She says, shielding her eyes from the sun. Archie chuckles and agrees.
"I know right? Can't imagine how everyone in the back is feeling" he says and turns around a round about.

Jesse groans.
"It's too hot!" She says quickly. Benjamin nods.
"Mhm.." he mumbles and lays back on the car.
"Well it's only morning so it'll only get warmer" Annalise chuckles. Benjamin and Jesse roll their eyes.
"The heat will be good to help that stabilizer properly course through Bernadette" Annalise's dad says.
"We need music, Y'know, we're finally free and gunna escape celebratory music?" Benjamin says and pulls out his phone.
"No son, are you trying to attract zombies towards us?" Annalise's dad says.
"We've got big bad bernie to protect us all though" Jesse says and smirks.
"We shouldn't put her through that when she's suppose to be resting" Annalise says.
"Jeez, your dad literally killed everyone and you're still siding with him, daddy's girl much?" Jesse says.
"It's not about my dad! It's about Bernadette! It's literally your sister we're talking about!" Annalise snaps at Jesse. Jesses eyes widen and she scoffs.
"Ok fine, Damn Annalise" Jesse says softly. Benjamin puts his phone away.
"Sorry Annalise" Benjamin says and smiles.
Annalise smiles as well and looks up at the sky.
"Looks like you kids have to get some more food now that you've got more people, this won't be enough for driving all the way to Maryland" The dad says. Benjamin nods.
"Hey Archie! Stop the car at a shop for food once we get out of the woods ok?!" Benjamin yells so the people inside the car hears him.

"Will do!" Archie yells back.
"Looks like we're doing a quick pit-stop for food" Archie says to Bernadette.
"Ok that makes sense" Bernadette nods and shuts her eyes.
"I feel like I can finally sleep..." she mutters
"Wow that stabilizer is doing gods work" Archie says with raised eyebrows as he watches Bernadette start to fall asleep. He turns his eyes back to the road ahead and continues driving. After about 15 minutes, Archie pulls out of the woods and in front of what looks like an abandoned Supermarket.
"Oh sweet!" Benjamin smiles and gets off of the car, Annalise, Annalise's dad and Archie all follow Benjamin.
"Jesse you coming?" Archie asks.
"Nah, I'm gunna be look out here since Bernadette is still asleep and she needs to sleep so I gotta protect my dumb sister I guess" Jesse says as she rolls her eyes. Everyone else nods and walks into the Supermarket.

Jesse gets into the drivers seat of the car just to sit out of the sun while Bernadette is still sleeping. Jesse starts looking around all the compartments in the car.
"How did none of those idiots think to check this car for stuff?" Jesse scoffs.
"Ok that's right, it's because they're idiots and I'm smart and strategic" she mumbles to herself as she pulls some pain killers and a pack of cigarettes from the glove compartment.
"Please, don't flatter yourself Miss. I got stuck up a tree within the first 24 hours of the apocalypse and had to have my sister save my ass" Bernadette smirks as she wakes up a bit.
"Oh uh..hey Bernie..." Jesse says awkwardly. Bernadette opens her eyes and blinks a few times before rubbing them.
"Yo" she chuckles and looks at Jesse.
"Woah Bernie what the fuck-" Jesse leans away from Bernadette a little bit.
"What?" Bernadette asks.
"Last time I checked we both had blue eyes. Girl your eyes are orange! Like Jack-o-lantern orange!" Jesse says and quickly pulls open the passenger seat mirror compartment so Bernadette can see.
"Yeah right very funny" Bernadette says.
"Just look!" Jesse taps the mirror. Bernadette rolls her eyes and looks in the mirror and gasps.
"Uh, WHAT THE HELL?!" Bernadette yells and climbs out the car. She storms into the supermarket and finds The rest of the group walking up the fruit and veg aisle. She grabs Annalise's dad and slams him against one of the shelves with relative ease.
"What. The. Hell....did. You. Do?"

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