Chapter 9: Totally down.

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Bernadette Pulls the mallet out her metal loop and storms toward Annalise and the zombie. With no hesitation she drives the mallet into the temple of the frantic zombie. Almost knocking the entire top half of the zombies head off, a bit of blood splatters on the front of the hoodie Annalise is wearing and on Bernadette's arm. Bernadette's expression immediately softens and she puts the mallet back in her Jean loop before holding a hand out to help Annalise to her feet.
"Aww, that's too bad, I liked that hoodie as well" Bernadette says sarcastically.
Annalise accepts Bernadette's hand and gets up. The. She lets go and looks at the front of the hoodie.
"Oops" Annalise chuckles.
Bernadette smiles and then turns to Benjamin with her sharp eyes.
"Thanks for the help by the way ass-hat. Thought you where the guy outta this group yeah?" Bernadette says in an annoyed tone before shoving Benjamin's shoulder.
"Bernadette it's not his-" Annalise tries to reason with Bernadette but she had already left the aisle to go get more supplies.

"Sorry" Benjamin mumbles as he seems to finally get out his scared trance.
"Hey it's not your fault. Don't say sorry" Annalise smiles softly and then They all continue to look for supplies. Benjamin and Annalise mainly collect food and water, but Bernadette has grabbed a few weapons and bandages.
"Damn this store really had everything needed for a zombie apocalypse huh?" Bernadette smiles as they walk out the store.
"Yep" Annalise responds and Benjamin seems awfully quiet.
Bernadette nudges Benjamin.
"Hey dude, don't be totally down" She smiles.
Benjamin suddenly looks annoyed.
"Don't be totally down?" he scoffs. "Almost the entire state is dead, There are mushrooms bigger then elephants across the street, blood thirsty zombies trying to murder us all on sight, AND YOU TELL ME NOT TO BE TOTALLY DOWN?!" He yells. Bernadette towers over him.
"Now get in the goddamn car"
Annalise sighs at them both and climbs into the car. Benjamin rolls his eyes and climbs into the back along with all the supplies, Bernadette gets into the drivers seat.
"Now let's find my sister" Bernadette says while starting up the car and beginning to drive.
Annalise nods slowly.
"Oh come on bunny, don't you be down in the dumps too, if we're all depressed we'll be bound to go crazy" Bernadette whines.
Annalise laughs a little bit.
"Yeah yeah, I know Bernie"
Bernadette's head snaps round.
"Hey!" She rolls her eyes with a smirk and keeps driving.

Benjamin lays down in the back of the car and plays around with a pair of scissors before opening his school bag and sketching. He sketches a girl on top of a tree, Zombies at her feet. Crying. This girl is none other than Jesse. After roughly 30 minutes of driving, Bernadette stops the car on a wide dirt path in the woods that is yet to be infected.
"There's no point in aimlessly driving around if we have no idea where my Jesse is." She says.
Annalise sighs.
"Yeah, you're right"
Benjamin jumps out the back of the car and knocks on Bernadette's window. Bernadette rolls down the window.
"What's up Benjamin?" Annalise says. Benjamin passes Bernadette the picture he drew.
"Cool dude but I don't have a fridge to put your dumb-" Bernadette stops herself from talking before speaking up again.
"Why the hell did you draw my sister about to meet her demise?"
Benjamin shakes his head.
"I didn't even realize what I was drawing until I was halfway through" Benjamin says.
"The hallway..." Annalise mutters.
"The what?" Bernadette says.
"When I bumped into Benjamin in the hallway and knocked his drawing out his hand, the drawing was me and you, screaming and running away from something.." Annalise explains.
Bernadette rolls her eyes.
"Nice so we've realized Benjamin is a freak who likes to draw people scared for their life, great, that'll find my sister"
"I'm not a freak! I don't choose to draw it, it's just what I draw" Benjamin butts in.
"No but, the weird part is right after that...When the bomb went off, you are I *were* running for our lives and screaming, hell I even got deja vu!" Annalise adds.
"So fucking what? Benjamin can see the future?" Bernadette scoffs.
"It's worth a shot? C'mon" Benjamin slaps the side of the car and climbs back into the back of it.
"Fine, we ain't got nothing better to go on" Bernadette starts driving.

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