Chapter 4: Boom Bunny.

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Bernadette smirks.
"You sure you're ok? You're looking a bit red"
She chuckles. Annalise laughs.
"I'm fine! Just shocked that's all" Annalise smiles.

"I think it's cool how different you and Jesse are"
Bernadette raises one eyebrow.
"You think it's cool that I'm a lesbian?"
Annalise panicks.
"No! Well- yeah, I mean not cool, it *is* cool for you I just meant because you and Jesse have such different personalities that it's-"
Bernadette butts in.
"I knew what you meant ya pleb. I was just messing with you"

Annalise folds her arms.
"I'm not a pleb!..what's a pleb?"
Bernadette laughs.
"Don't worry about it" she says. "What's your name again?"
"Annalise. Annalise Winter" Annalise says with a big smile.
"Cool.." Bernadette Smirks and starts walking up the hall with Annalise. They are chatting and laughing and making fun of Jesse.


Annalise Bumps into the Benjamin.
"Oh my god sorry!" She picks up his drawing and glances at it before passing it back to him. She stands still for a moment. The drawing was of Her and Bernadette, running? Screaming? Weird...Annalise's thoughts are interrupted.

"Hello?? Earth to Annalise Winter!" Bernadette chuckles. "You ok?"
"Yep!" Annalise shakes her head to get out her thought train and keeps walking. While walking down the English corridors, Annalise sneezes and rubs her nose. Causing it to go red.
"Aw, you look like a bunny" Bernadette smiles.
"Do not!" Annalise retorts.
"Yes you do! You look like a tiny little bunny" Bernadette teases.
"You're just a giant" Annalise folds her arms. "Everyone under 5'5 looks like a bunny to you"
Bernadette shrugs in response.

After lunch. 5th period is Geography. This was a subject that Annalise despised. She rolled her eyes every once in a while when the teacher tried to crack a joke about earthquakes. The teacher was a chubby man who was going bald. All the boys called him 'Homer Simpson'. Annalise chuckled when one of the boys asked him if homer would be joining us. The teacher didn't know what they where talking about at all.

The period dragged on. Annalise found herself missing her new friend Bernadette. She found herself wanting to hang out with her more and get to know everything about her, but alas, Annalise was bound to Earthquakes and volcanoes for 45 minutes. 45 long, boring, mind numbing minutes.
"Ughhhh" Annalise groaned when the teacher said something about shaking with excitement. His voice went through her head with a long medieval sword or a strange torture device. His voice alone was a torture device, she thought, then smiled out of amusement at her own thoughts.

When the period finally came to a close, Annalise grabbed her things and raced out of class, finding Bernadette along the way.
"Hey!" She smiled and practically tackled Bernadette with a hug.
"Hey bunny" Bernadette said in response and smiled.
Annalise rolled her eyes with a small smile and started walking with Bernadette.
"So h-" she began talking but her ears where filled with a ringing sound like no other. Bernadette dropped to the ground along with Annalise and the rest of the corridor.
The ringing was becoming painful.

Annalise opened her eyes and looked down the hallway, 10 feet down the hall, she saw the outside. Her eyes widened. Half the school had been blown to bits. The ringing subsided after a bit and everyone started running, screaming. Bernadette grabbed Annalise's hand and did the same. Annalise got a strange sensation of Deja vu, but can't remember why.

When she realizedWhere stories live. Discover now