Chapter 20: Sorries and Confessions

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Jesse sighs and looks up at Annalise who is walking towards her.
"What do you want blondie?" She says.
"I wanted to see if you where ok..Benjamin can be a bit..abrupt at times" Annalise says.
"Yeah well so can I, so it's fine" Jesse responds.
"And..I guess I don't actually blame you for my sister, she seems to really like you Annalise, much as I'm not particularly fond of you and we don't have the best relationship. I want to see my sister happy, and you clearly manage to make her happier than I do" Jesse explains.
"It's not that you don't make Bernadette happy. I'm not exactly sure what goes through Bernadette's head but she might just be holding a grudge against you?.." Annalise suggests. Jesse stops and stands up straight.
"Grudge for what?" She says. Annalise sighs.
"If I'm totally honest, I don't think she enjoys your..comments, on her" Annalise says.
"Comments?" Jesse asks.
"The hell are you? Family therapy?!" Jesse scoffs. Annalise shakes her head.
"What? No! No not at all! It's just that Bernadette always gets mad when you're mean to me or say something about me having some sort of hold on her, maybe you're making her feel like you think she doesn't have her own free will just because she cares about me? I mean, no offense but you did call her a 'lap dog' like 5 minutes ago" Annalise reminds her.
"Yeah I know, maybe that was a bit much. I just feel like she pays more attention to you than to me! It's not fair! I'm her sister!" Jesse says.
"Didn't you ignore her in school though? Maybe she thinks that this is what you want? Maaaaybe you should tell her everything you're telling me" Annalise gives another suggestion.
"Y'know, I never thought I'd be taking advice from you, like ever. But I suppose I'll take it just this once, this doesn't mean I like you or that we're friends at all though, got it?" Jesse says. Annalise chuckles and nods, then she walks away.

Archie and Bernadette walk away from the group and sit down on the grass with Benjamin.
"Dude..." Bernadette puts a hand on Benjamin's shoulder. Benjamin looks at her.
"What do you want Bernadette?" He asks.
"I know Jesse maybe isn't the best person in the world, but at the end of the day, that's my sister. Maybe you could've gone about that differently" Bernadette says with Archie nodding in the background. Benjamin looks annoyed and then he sighs and his face calms down a bit.
"I know, you're right. I'm sorry, I just don't understand what Annalise did to deserve this much dogs abuse from Jesse. Like we are in the middle of a literal apocalypse, try to be a bit nicer for god sake!" He says. Archie smiles.
"I know babe, but you gotta chillax a bit" he pauses for a second.
"I think we all do" he adds. Bernadette nods and so does Benjamin. Benjamin starts picking at the grass.
"I know, I'm sorry guys..." he says.
"I think it might be Jesse you're wanting to say that to" Bernadette says, pointing towards Jesse. Benjamin clicks his tongue and pulls himself up off the ground. He walks towards Jesse as Annalise walks away from her and Annalise sits down with Bernadette and Archie. Archie smirks as he simply observes them both.

"So what's Benjamin doing?" Annalise asks.
"Oh he's just going to go say sorry to Jesse for being so harsh" Bernadette explains. Annalise smiles and nods slowly before turning to Archie.
"So now that we've got spare time...I need details about Benchie" she smirks.
"Girl, About what? He laughs. Bernadette scoffs.
"Benjamin and Archie? Benchie? Duh!" Bernadette adds. Archie rolls his eyes with a grin.
"Well what do you want to know?" He asks. Annalise starts rambling.
"Who asked who our first? how long have you been together? Is he your first ever boyfriend? Is Benjamin a good boyfriend? How do you deal with all that attitude bottled up in one little person?" She asks.
"Little person? You're one to talk!" Bernadette laughs. Annalise rolls her eyes and smacks Bernadette in the arm.
"Sorry if that's prying, you don't have to answer" Annalise adds. Archie smiles.
"No it's ok, so uhh..Benjamin asked me out first, he is my first ever boyfriend, yes Benjamin is a good boyfriend, And he's easily distracted, give him a stuffed animal or food and he's good" Archie says while counting all his answers on his fingers and staring at the sky.
"Stuffed Animal and food...why don't I ever use that on Jesse?!" Bernadette says, clearly questioning all life choices up until this point in her lifespan. Annalise chuckles at Bernadette's bewildered expression.
"So anyway..How is Bernnalise?" Archie asks, smirking even more than Annalise was.
"Nahhh bro what?" Bernadette asks.
"Do I really have to spell it out?" Archie asks.
"There's nothing...going on.." Annalise chuckles nervously.
"Yeah yeah sure..." Archie says suspiciously.
"You guys just 'care' for each other right?" He says and raises his eyebrows. Annalise and Bernadette both look at each other and stare for a few seconds before Bernadette looks away and clears her throat.
"I'm gunna go check on your dad" she says, and just like that, she speeds away.
"Damn she really is fast! Holy crap!" Archie chuckles. Annalise looks a bit awkward.
"Hey..sorry to push that on you" Archie says and puts a hand on her shoulder. Annalise smiles and shakes her head as she looks up at Archie.
"No it's ok, You're kinda...right, honestly" Annalise says with a giddy expression. Archie's eyes widen and then he claps his hands and bounces up and down.
"YASSS!" He squeals. Annalise puts her finger on her lips.
"Shhhhh! She literally has super hearing dummy" Annalise whispers.
"Oh yeh..sorry" he whispers back with a small smile.

Benjamin walks up to Jesse and he takes a deep breath.
"You don't have to say anything but just listen, I'm sorry for what I said to you, and how I've been treating you this whole time, I've been acting really harsh when in reality I barely know you and I shouldn't be so judgmental because that really makes me no better so...truce?" He extends his hand to her. Jesses ears perk up. She looks at his extended hand and then at his face. She moves forward and hugs him instead. Benjamin is surprised it hugs her back.
"You and Annalise gave me a little bit of a wake up call to be honest. So it's ok, thank you to be honest" she says. Benjamin smiles and then they both let each other go. They both walk to Annalise and Archie at the same time as Bernadette and Annalise's dad. They all stack the logs and sticks and Bernadette tried to strike sparks off of rocks out ends up accidentally halving the rocks in the process.
"Bruh" Bernadette stares at the halves of rocks pile. Jesse chuckles.
"Here Sis, I got it" Jesse takes the rocks and strikes up a small fire. The fire is going and Bernadette starts cooking some of the food they all grabbed from the Supermarket.
"Stolen super market food!" Bernadette chuckles. Jesse turns.
"Ooh! Funny story from the supermarket!" She starts. Benjamin and Archie look at her with panicked looks and shout at the same time.

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